【禁闻】2012年中国人权白皮书 被讽自搧嘴巴








北京律师江天勇:“你可以看到,很多农民失去土地,很多城市的居民失去自己的房屋,到处都是强拆。人们为了保护自己的房屋不被强拆,各种各样的抵抗,有自焚!也有农民因为保护自己的土地,被构陷判刑、被殴打! ”






中国网友无忧:“在中国内地上网的人都会经历审查无处不在、无时不在,任何时候都有可能因为涉及敏感的这些东西而被删帖,或者,甚至被追究责任。整体来说,我觉得(人权)还是比较糟糕的。 ”



采访/易如 编辑/周平 后制/黎安安

China’s Lawyers Refute Official White Paper
On 2012 Human Rights

On May 14th China’s State Council Information Office released
a white paper,"Progress in China’s Human Rights 2012″.
On six areas, the report related the official “achievements"
made in 2012 on China’s human rights situation.

However, many lawyers hold a contrary view. They think
China’s human rights situation has deteriorated.

The 20,000 plus worded white paper stated
the latest “progress"of China’s human rights.
It covered six aspects: economy, politics, culture,
society, ecological civilization and external exchanges.

The report highlighted China’s increase in living standards.

Zhang Zanning, professor of Law at Southeast University says
that growth in GDP or income is unrelated to human rights.

Zhang Zanning:"It’s ridiculous to define human rights as
offering food and clothing to prevent one’s death.
As a human being, a person has right to free speech,
political rights, and has right to choose his own faith.
This is the most essential difference
between human beings and animals."

Wei Jingsheng, iconic figure of China’s democracy movement,
says that only a part of Chinese people have become rich.
A considerable number of people are still living in poverty.

Wei Jingsheng: “Based on the UN poverty standard, China
still has at least 200-300 million people below the poverty line.
There are lots of poor people living in cities.

Now commodities in China are generally expensive.
They only make 1,000-2,000 yuan per month.
Most of salary people cannot afford to see doctors,
to go to school or buy homes.
Just look those rich Chinese, they have all emigrated abroad!

A better-off life or getting rich doesn’t equate to
having human rights."

Beijing lawyer Jiang Tianyong gives his assessment
on China’s human rights situation.

Jiang Tianyong:"In reality, numerous farmers have lost
their lands, and lots of urban residents have lost their houses.
Everywhere you can see forced demolitions.

People have resisted home demolitions in various ways,
including self-immolation!
Many farmers have been sentenced or beaten
just for protecting their own lands."

Jiang Tianyong adds that most laid-off workers
has nothing to live on.
The same situation is also facing immigrants, who moved
away for construction of the Three Gorges Dam project.
They lost their sources of stable income, and
have petitioned for years.
Also, unfair judiciary in China has made it hard for citizens to
seek judicial relief to protect themselves, says lawyer Jiang.

Jiang Tianyong:"Large numbers of people have
petitioned to central authorities in Beijing.
But as a result, lots of them have been detained in black jails.

The authorities have sent staff to locate and intercept
petitioners, and have beaten many to death.
Numerous people have been suppressed
for insisting on their faith.
They include Christian Family Church members and
especially, Falun Gong practitioners.
This year, the authorities have staged
massive nationwide arrests.
In the northeast, in Hebei, Henan, and even in Yunan.
I think these prove human rights disasters in China."

On May 13th a dozen or mpre Chinese human rights lawyers
visited detainees at Ziyang Legal Education Center.
This is a notorious official black jail located in Chengdu,
Sichuan province.
These lawyers were physically assaulted and
illegally detained by the guards.
Jiang Tianyong says that today in China, public power
has been rampantly abused to crack down on citizens.
He points out that this is a state crime.

Jiang Tianyong: “For example, in February and March,

some citizens in Beijing, Guangdong and Jiangxi
called for asset declaration by public officials.
They were arrested for holding placards in public.

After they were arrested, their lawyers were stopped
when going visit them and even beaten.
In China, there’s no security for lawyers to practice law,
and no protection exist for citizens’ civil rights."

The White Paper particularly mentioned
the role of the internet in China.
It alleged that"The internet has become an important
channel for citizens to exercise their right to know,
to participate, to express and to watchdog."

“The internet has also greatly served the government
to know about society and public opinion."

(Netizen, China) Wu You:"China’s netizens have all
experienced official censorship.
Any time your post may be removed for
probably involving any sensitive terms.
You may then be placed under criminal investigation.
Overall, I think human rights here is rather bad."

The report claimed that by the end of 2012, China’s weibo
(micro-blog) users have reached 309 million.
There were over 3 million online posts and commentaries daily.

Each day, more than 200 million weibo posts
were created and forwarded in China.

A netizen asked,"Why haven’t the authorities released data
on daily removal of online posts and netizens’accounts?"
