【禁闻】海南“海天盛筵” 网传聚众性乱




3月29号,“大连万达集团”董事长王健林的儿子王思聪,发微博说:“又到了一年一度暴发户和黑木耳欢聚三亚的时候了… 。”














Hainan Rendezvous Exposed Online for Mass Promiscuity

The Hainan Rendezvous has taken place in Sanya,
Hainan province, with luxury exhibitions and parties.
Online news reported that the parties were full
of money and ‘flesh trade’, and many
magnates, celebrities and stars participated.
The reports also said that there were women
who gained 600,000RMB for 3 days’ prostitution.
There are even “drug parties”.

In the official introduction, the Hainan Rendezvous is
described as an annual exhibition of yachts, luxury sports
cars, private jets and other high-end leisure lifestyles.
This is one of the most important exhibitions in Hainan.

Starting in 2010, every April the Hainan Rendezvous
attracts nearly hundred global frontline producers
of yachts, private jets, sports cars, jewelry,
high-end real estate, furniture and elite schools.

This year, the Hainan Rendezvous took place over four days.

It started on March 30, and is on board a 45
meter long luxury yacht, worth 2.5 billion RMB.
Private jets collected all the participating
10,000 guests, which included A-list stars.
Trading turnover is estimated at over 1 billion RMB for 3 days.

On March 29, Wang Sicong, son of Wang Jianlin,
Chairman of Dalian Wanda Group published a micro-blog:
“It’s annual time for upstarts and jelly ears [referring
to senior prostitution] to assemble in Sanya.”

Aside from the exhibition, there are many banquets,
entertainment shows and social activities.

Many Chinese media quoted online news, reporting
that the event has changed into one of “mass
promiscuity“ with the well-known magnates and stars.
The whistleblowers even uploaded several photos.

One of which depicts several couples
of men and women being intimate.
“Mass promiscuity of Sanya Hainan Rendez-Vous”
became the number one microblog news topic.

The online news said that the party distributed
more than 2,000 condoms in one night.
The police went to the site and tested
all the guests’ urine for drug abuse.
Some netizen said that the event is absurd promiscuity,
and one of his friends was gang-raped in the activity.
It’s also said that there’re women who serve the
sex party, earning 600,000 RMB in three days.

Yin Deyi, a Beijing freelancer writer, engaged in
marketing planning, said that the mass promiscuity
of the Hainan Rendezvous should be an individual
action of a small group or some special party activities.
It should not be the main purpose of the event.

Yin Deyi: “In Beijing, if you pay 3,000 RMB or 10,000 RMB
for one hour, you can find many models to take photos of.
You can use these for print media, or to supply all
kinds of services, which include shooting adult movies.
If people have money, they will do this
kind of things in a party, to create fun.
Because the rich don’t know how to spend their money,
they pursue this kind of low-end sensory stimulation.”

After this news broke, a number of stars
and magnates denied their participation.
The organizer of Hainan Rendezvous also issued a
statement, denying the event is one of mass promiscuity.

Yin Deyi thinks that the words of the A-list stars are
credible, but it’s normal that the print media models
and other kinds of people join that kind of activity.

The Sanya Municipal Propaganda Department
issued a news release on April 4.
The related government units were investigating whether
there were actions that violate the rules and regulations.

Yin Deyi said that even though the authorities
may find out the truth in the end, it will do nothing.

Yin Deyi: “Sanya has that kind of government, which can’t
have the capability to investigate these actions clearly.
This is because there are always are some strong
forces behind them, that ask to stop the investigation.
You must know that it won’t find out
the truth, if the power has the money.
So finally, this kind of filth will remain a mystery.”

Yang Weidong, a Beijing contemporary artists
and independent filmmaker, said he couldn’t
confirm the authenticity of the news.
However, he felt that this is a normal
phenomenon in this absurd modern society.

Yang Weidong: “For these stars and others, do
they know the existing values in this society?
This is a standard of a human being. What are their values?

No matter whether you are an artist or a worker
in art, what’s your minimum social responsibility?
I feel that this society is very
absurd, people are very absurd.”

Yang Weidong thought the luxury living portrayed
by Hainan Rendezvous is too far away from
the overall economic level of Chinese society.
In addition, the organizers spent a lot of money
for the event. Where has the money come from? This is questionable.
