【禁闻】选举违宪 杭州律师起诉中共人大







闯人大会场 访民面临秋后算账




广州举牌吁高官公示财产 杨崇出狱






Hangzhou Attorney Prosecuted Elections Of NPC For Violating The Constitution.

On March 18th, Hangzhou attorney Wangcheng sent his
Complaint to the Chinese Supreme Court.
He asked the Supreme Court to confirm the validity of the
chairman elections of National People’s Congress (NPC).
In this election, Zhang Dejiang was elected as Chairman of
the Standing Committee of the NPC.
Wang Shengjun, Zhangping, Chenzhu, Wan Yuexiang,
and Wangchen were elected as vice chairman.

According to reports from BBC Chinese network, Wangcheng
said the Supreme Court has signed to accept his complaint material on March 19th.
According to the law, the court should decide if they can
accept his complaint with seven days.
Now, he is waiting for the response of the Supreme Court.

Wangcheng pointed out that, according to the constitution,

members of the Standing Committee of the NPC cannot serve
in any administrative, judicial and procuratorial agencies.

However, on March 14th, when NPC elected Zhang Dejiang
as chairman of the NPC, he was also serving as deputy premier
of the state council and the other five vice chairmen also had
positions of administrative and procuratorial agencies.

Wang thought that no one could put up with this issue of
violating the Constitution in highest national legislative agency.

Entering The Meeting Place Of NPC, The Petitioners Faced Retaliation.

During the meeting of “Two Congress”, petitioners Liuyong
and Zheng Yuming, went to the meeting room of the Shandong Delegation.
They are now facing retaliation by
Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

Radio Free Asia (RFA) reported that the officer serving in the
Street Office where Zheng told him, the top leaders of the CCP have ordered an investigation.
Tianjin municipal government also ordered to shield
related information on internet.
The officer warned once they confirmed they entered
the meeting room, they would face retaliation.

For fear of his safety, Liu did not go home. He said though he
thought the CCP would react, he didn’t take it seriously. Now, he was very scared.

Yangchong Who Asked Officials To Public Their Wealth
With A Banner Was Released From Prison.

For asking officials to public their wealth, Yangchong was
sentenced to prison for one year. On March 21st he was released.
When more than 10 netizens met him outside the Detention
Center, they were beaten by 30 government staff.
Their mobiles were stolen, some people were injured and
one is missing.

Just getting released, Yang told RFA, he was innocent and
might seek redress through legal channels.

Yang said the sentence could not influence his actions to
express his opinions freely in the street.
On the contrary, the case made him enforce his decision
to seek democracy and freedom.

On April 1st last year, Yang and some netizens held banners
outside the gate of Guangzhou Party committee.
They were appealing for political reform.

They asked Hu Jintao to public his personal wealth.
He was detained and went missing.
Eventually, the Chinese Communist party (CCP) sentenced
him to one year for “Illegal logging of forests".
