【禁闻】著名公共情妇终有消息 传汤灿获刑














杨伟东从2008年开始拍摄大型记录片《需要》,他透过影像方式记录中国 500位有影响的人物,其中有他不知道被内控的“异见人士”。为此,他在北京的住家被断电话、断互联网。杨伟东说,国保给他打电话或约谈的次数,已经超过20次,2010年11月国保还找上门来,搜查了他的家,并将他带走扣留9个多小时。2012年伦敦奥运前,他还被禁止出境。



采访/朱智善 编辑/宋风 后制/周天

Rumors that famous publican mistress was sentenced to prison.

Popular singer, famous for her modern folk songs, military
division level singer Tang Can was taken away to be investigated.
She was suspected of being involved in corruption in 2011.
Since then, there had no any news of her.
However, online, it was gradually exposed that many high officials
of Party, government and military had something going with her.
She is well known as a public mistress.

Her lovers included vice minister of General Logistics Department
of PLA, former mayor of Shenzhen and others.
There some rumors said that she was a core member
of Bo Xilai’ coup.
However, recently some rumors said that Tang was arrested
before Chinese traditional new year. Let’s look at the report.

The third day of Chinese New Year, Sun Yueyang (a friend
of Tang) and the deputy chief of Jincheng Foreign Affairs Office,
both confirmed in their microblogging that Tang has been
arrested before the new year and imprisoned for seven years.

Famous singer Tang was specially recruited into the PLA
on 13th September, 2013.
She was granted the third level of non-military and
the fifth level of professional technology, rank of colonel.
She was honored as figurehead of Chinese new folk song,
Empress of Chinese fashion folk.
Her singing style was name as “tang singing style”.

However, because of being involved in corruption,
she was taken away to be investigated.
Her secret of being as a ‘public mistress’ had also exposed.

At the end of 2011, reporter of the Economic observer exposed
in his microblogging, that he had the list of Tang’s bed-friends.
It included former mayor of Shenzhen Xu Zongheng,
former mayor of Kaifeng Zhou Yizhong, etc.
It also exposed many officials such as former director of
CCTV Jiao Li, Party secretary of Wuxi Mao Xiaoping.

Some messages pointed out after event of Chongqing,
Tang was known as core member of Zhou Yongkang, Bo Xilai’s coup group.
She monitored Chinese Communist Party (CCP) officials
through selling her sex and gathering intelligence, clearing relationships for Bo and Zhou.

Because of involvement with high level officials,
netizens called her the “officials public mistress”.

Poem and literacy commentator Ye Kuangzheng:
“In the style of Chinese folk singing, singers can be classified into three categories: Bel Canto, Pop singing, folk singing.
The reason that Folk singing occupies the mainstream of the
Chinese stage is that it very close to power and profit. It is involved in the power.”

Some netizens exposed that Tang lived in a luxury house with
jewellery worth million RMB and wore famous brands.
An alligator skin made Hermes Platinum package
is worth 450,000 Yuan (about US$69,000).

Recently, reported by Japan Asahi Shimbu that
before the Chinese new year, Lieutenant general of the PLA, Gu Junshan, was arrested.
According to the investigation, Gu was involved in
the case of 20 billion RMB and 300 houses.
He lived in a 7,000 m2 building. He has 60 servants and
five mistresses including a star singer Tang.

Beijing independent filmmaker Yang Weidong: “As I see that
the leader who hasn’t exposed his secrets is a very good person.
When his secret was exposed he was detained and
interrogated and immediately many mistresses were exposed.
Without exposing his secrets he was good and after exposing
secrets, many bad things emerged involving many million RMB.”

Yang Weidong also said that it was forced to shut down
taxi windows glass during the two sessions,
to prevent possible truth flyers been sub out.
The CCP is afraid that someone will scatter leaflets,
while officials speak different things.

Yang’s personal experience also illustrated that in China,
speaking truthfully will be suppressed.

From 2008, Yang began to shooting a documentary
called “Needing”.
He recorded 500 Chinese figures through video recording.

Among them, there some inside-controlled dissidents
whom he didn’t know.
So, the phone and network of his family in Beijing were cut off.

Yang said that the number of state security calling or
talking with him was many.
In November 2010, state security officials came to his family
and searched them. They took him away and detained him for nine hours.
Before London Olympic Games in 2012,
he was forbidden to go abroad.

Yang Weidong: “as an ordinary person, an artist, only because
I have spoken some honest words; I am in facing so much hardship.
Now look at those happy artists, who performed on the stage,
do they dare to speak out the true scene in their real life?
If they dare to say truth, they are in the same situation as mine.”

Ye Kuangzheng pointed out that the communist
totalitarian systems are built on lies.
The ones who are abandoned by this system often are
good people.
The officials who are easy to promote often are good
at speaking fake, clichés and official sounding words.
