【禁闻】豪宅过户激增 官方辟谣疑点重重






而1月25号,《北京晚报》发表“‘公务员房抛售’疑点重重”文章,随后标题被更改为“媒体称北京公务员抛售房产系谣言 爆料人被调岗”。










采访编辑/唐睿 后制/陈建铭

Chinese Regime Denies Surging Sell Off of Luxury Homes

The Central Discipline Inspection Commission recently
negated the wave of Communist officials selling their luxurious houses which they had earlier admitted to.
However, the Housing Administration Office is experiencing
overtime due to surging housing transfer cases.
The Communist authorities dismiss
the surging house sell off as rumor.
It is commented that the inconsistency in reports
signals changes in the regime’s attitude.

The massive real estate sell off has been widespread
in China since the end of last year.
The Communist mouthpiece People’s Daily reported that
house transfer has increased since the 18th National Congress.
Workers at the Housing Administration Office in Chaoyang
District, Beijing sometimes have to work past midnight because of many house transfers in one day.

Current affairs observer Hua Po: “Since Xi Jinping
took over the office, he’s tried to set an image with the tactic of anti-corruption.
Many corrupt officials are therefore anxious
to get rid of their illegal properties."

However, current affairs observer Hua Po indicates that
the purpose of Communist anti-corruption is to maintain its power and rule.

According to People’s Daily, these property owners
are indeed anxious to sell.
They carry the house registration with them so as to be
ready to sign the contract at any time, even if it is midnight.

An article by Beijing Evening News on January 25 titled,
“Why civil servants are selling their properties,”
was later changed to “Beijing civil servants property selling
report is a rumor. Reporter was demoted."

Hua Po believes that this change was due to changes
in the Communist leadership’s attitude.
The Communist regime intended to demote some lesser
cadres as a demonstration of anti-corruption measures in action
But leaders were also worried about the sequential effect
of this action on its stability.

Hua Po: “The Internet has it. The Communist officials
are selling off their luxurious properties.
Beijing Evening News followed up on the report.

But the sudden change in the leadership made the Central
Discipline Inspection Commission negates the media report.
Beijing Evening News thus immediately changed its tone.
Therefore, we see the inconsistencies in the reports."

People’s Daily published on January 24 that the Central
Commission for Discipline Inspection had issued a briefing to the Communist Central Committee about the sell -off.

Since mid-November last year, a trend of luxurious properties
being sold off has occurred in 45 large and medium-sized cities.
This trend continued increasing in December.
Most owners of these properties are governmental officials and leaders of state-owned enterprises.
The briefing also indicated that 60% of owners had sold
their properties anonymously,
under pseudonym or title of a business,
and remained behind the scene during the transaction.

However, the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection
has denied the contents of this briefing in the CNR News of the official Central People’s Radio.

Hua Po: “These negative news reports
will be detrimental to the regime’s rule.
People will see clearly the corruption of the Communist Party
and further distrust the Party.
Therefore, the Commission was being inconsistent by
admitting at first, and subsequently denying."

21st Century Media reported that these real estate sales
by civil servants are not isolated cases.
In Shenzhen, this phenomenon has been seen in many areas.

Some properties are sold in less than a week. According to
a real estate agent in Weilan Coast of Nanshan District,
a certain civil servant owns five sets of real estate,
but only one was registered under his name.
The rest were registered under his relatives’ names.
One person is in charge of the price and negotiation of all five properties.

Mr. Wei from Shenzhen:
“It is surely they will transfer the property.
They all carry a few names, with different IDs.
It’s a norm. It’s an open secret."

Real estate broker Miss Jiang:
“The owner will definitely not show up during the sell.
There’s a certain way to do the business.
Someone else will show up for the owner."

It is said that the Communist regime is in a panic
over public criticism of the property sell off.
As indicated by Mr. Wei of Shenzhen, people now
are clear about the nature of the Communist regime.
The continuing corruption in the Party
will not last long.
