【禁闻】劳教改革? 在押人员遭非法判刑















采访/陈汉 编辑/张天宇 后制/钟元

Reforming Re-education Through Labor System? Detainees Still Illegally Sentenced.

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) recently announced
it would soon end re-education through forced labor system.
The news has made the Chinese people very happy.

Later, official media changed the word “stop” to “reform”
and proposed the “correction of laws on illegal actions”.
The Chinese public have accused the
authorities of making no substantial changes.
Also some information suggests that mental
hospitals would replace the labor camps.
Recently, it was even suggested that the labor camps
were preparing to sentence the remaining detainees.

On January 22, the US Minghui website
published news exposing that
the mainland labor camps were speeding up to
the sentencing of Falun Gong detainees.
They are preparing to imprison them
and continue to persecute them.

Recently, media released articles called, “labor
camp system makes no substantial changes”,
and “mental hospitals will replace labor camps.”

The articles highlighted that this so-called reform
of the labor camp system is only a change in
name, but all of its characteristics remain the same.
The New York Times also pointed out that the CCP
would find another way to detain Chinese dissidents.
This may be through using mental hospitals.

Chen Jiangang, Beijing lawyer: “Within the current
system, I don’t think it can change the current situation
of severe human rights abuses in mainland China.

When you remove the labor camp system,
another system will grow up in it’s place.

Commentators suggested that the original labor camp can
change its name into “correction of laws for illegal actions”.
The original places of detention can shift to mental hospitals
or prisons, and detention can change to imprisonment.
The use of torture and persecution will be kept
and may even become more hidden and severe.”

Tang Jingling, Mainland lawyer: “The labor
camp system is a tool to persecute dissidents.
However, if it is stopped, it will face a new choice to
really stop the violent regime, or change a new way.
Now, we see, the CCP don’t want to change.’

According to statistics, in mainland labor camps, at least
60% of detainees are Falun Gong practitioners and other
petitioners, and there are almost no real criminals.

That’s also to say, the labor camp is a tool
by which to detain and persecute dissidents.

With a strongly increasing movement of protestors,
the number of detainees is also strongly increasing.
The development of the internet has exposed
a large number of stories and grievances.
Civilians voices calling for the abolishment
of the labor camps are getting louder.
Under public pressure, the CCP has to agree to abolish
the labor camp system, in order to calm peoples anger.

However, it raises the question of how to deal with
about 200,000 detainees currently in labor camps?
Will the CCP release all of them?
Will the civilian rights petitioners and
Falun Gong practitioners are arrested?
We look at a recently exposed case.

After a Heilongjiang woman petitioner called Chen Qingxia
was detained for 18 months in a labor camp,
she was detained in an abandoned mortuary for 3 years.
The police took turns in shifts to monitor her.
Although Chen was a paraplegic, the authorities
still forbade any person to take care of her.

Chen Jiangang, Beijing lawyer: “It’s impossible
to solve such a case within the current system.
Even though they state that they will abolish
the labor camp system, illegal detention and
persecution by the regime cannot be solved.”

On January 21, a Falun Gong practitioner
in Jinzhou, Liaoning Province, was secretly
sentenced to imprisonment in Jinzhou prison.
It didn’t notify his family during the whole process.

Tang Jingling: “In the criminal proceedings, it has
some new methods, such as the 73rd clause.
To undertake religious persecution, it uses
charges against so-called ‘cults’ charges.”

Beijing lawyer Chen Jiangang said that in Mainland China,
it is only a small portion of people sent to labor camps.
The majority of them have not been sent to
labor camps, but were detained, have lost their
freedom, and have even faced brutal torture.

Chen said that no matter whether labor camps are reformed
or removed, people will still be persecuted in China.
