









《纽约时报》这篇由驻上海记者张大卫(David Barboza)撰写的报导,再次把矛头指向中共总理温家宝。报导说,“中国平安保险公司”主席马明哲,直接向当时的国务院副总理温家宝,和“中国人民银行”行长戴相龙发出呼吁,要求政府放宽对平安保险公司实施大型金融公司分割的规定。





采访编辑/刘惠 后制/陈建铭

US Media Unveiled More Power-for-Money Deal in China

A series of news reports have unveiled how relatives
of senior Chinese Communist Party (CCP) officials have reaped vast fortunes.
Recently, the New York Times disclosed power-for-money
deals among the family members of Dai Xianglong,
former president of the People’s Bank of China.

A company controlled by Dai’s relatives paid very low
prices to acquire large stakes in China Ping An Insurance.
This reaped huge profits.

Critics indicate that exposing this CCP officials
corruption scandal is just the tip of the iceberg.
In addition, huge weath amassed by other senior
CCP officials is expected to surface in the near future.

The New York Times’ article reported in 2002 on Dinghe
Venture Capital, a company controlled by Che Feng,
son-in-law of senior CCP official Dai Xianglong.

Che Fang, along with other relatives bought a large
stake in Ping An Insurance for US$55 Million.
By 2007, these shares were worth US$3.1 Billion.

The investment by Dinghe helped Ping An Insurance
avoid breaking up, and thus retain its trust division.
In 2004, Ping An Insurance was listed in Hong Kong,
which, today, is worth around US$65 Billion.

Ping An Insurance is China’s leading insurance company.

Both its life insurance and property and casualty
insurances businesses are ranked second in China.
This is in terms of its premium income.

Economics critic Cao An says that at the time,
Dai Xianglong was top CCP financial chief.
Ping An was facing a situation that would require a breakup.
Dinghe’s investment in Ping An is within Dai’s jurisdiction.

Cao An: “This case shows that CCP’s power-for-money
deals have sunk to below the bottom moral line.
Today it has exposed Dai Xianglong to public.

In the near future, we’ll see more
officials implicated in similar cases.
In fact, lots of security firms and listed companies
in China are all involved with these officials.
But these power-for-money deals
are still just the tip of the iceberg.”

The NY Times’ article says that Che Feng
and his business partners “set up a complex
web of companies” to control Dinghe.

The records show that Che Feng was “nominated to serve
on the Ping An board of supervisors from 2006 to 2009”.

The NY Times found that in 2002, Dinghe also
acquired a large stake in Haitong Securities,
which were worth about US$1 Billion by 2007.

“Later, between 2007 and 2010, Dai’s wife, Ke Yongzhen,
was chairwoman on Haitong’s board of supervisors.”

Cao An remarks that CCP officials have
used all sorts of means in their corruption.
Usually, officials hide backstage manipulating
their relatives who appear in public.
Cao An adds that many people know similar cases
to that of Dai’s, which they dare not and cannot disclose.
Otherwise, they will risk suppression and even jail terms.

Cao An: “In China, there’s no separation between the Party
and government, but has serious power for money deals.
There’s no independent judiciary to supervise the CCP.
Neither has it a just and independent media watchdog.
Overseas, a democratic country has an
independent judiciary, and a media watchdog.
So usually, such a thing can be disclosed when it happens.”

The NY Times’ article, authored by David Barboza,
once again directed criticism at CCP premier Wen Jiabao.
It says that Ma Mingzhe, chairman of Ping An, “pleaded
with Mr. Dai to approve an overseas stock offering in 1998.”
It says, “It would be rather difficult to raise such
a huge amount of money in the domestic market.”

The New York Times reported that like Dinghe,

the Tianji-based company Taihong also has
a large stake in Ping An for extremely good prices.
Reportedly, Wen Jiabao’s mother Yang Zhiyun
held Ping An shares worth US$ 0.12 billion in 2007.
These were registered in Taihong’s name.

In the past, CCP Foreign Ministry spokesman criticized the
New York Times coverage on Wen Jiabao’s family assets.
On December 31, Chris Buckley, the New York
Times reporter in Beijing had to leave China.
This is for having failed to get a visa extension.

In June 2012, the Bloomberg reported on business
empires built by Xi Jinping’s collateral relatives.
Days ago, the news agency reported in detail on how
offspring of eight CCP veterans control China’s wealth.

The Bloomberg site has been blocked
from being browsed in China.
