













采访编辑/梁欣 后制/孙宁

Experts: China Has Pulled Farther away from
“Middle-Income” Level

Vice Premier Li Keqiang of the Chinese Communist Party
(CCP) recently met with World Bank President Jim Yong Kim in Beijing.
Li said China has entered the ranks of
middle-income countries.
In the near future, China needs to skip the
“middle-income trap".
Experts say that in reality, China has increasingly
detached from the level of the “middle-income” countries.

The “Middle Income Trap" occurs when developing countries
Attain the level of US$3,000 per capita income,
its growth plateaus and eventually stagnates at that level.

World Bank’s data show that China’s current per capita
annual income is US$ 5,400.
And that China enters a tier of upper-middle-income country
(GNI per capita is US$ 3,800 to US$11,900).

Therefore, Li Keqiang said to Jim Yong Kim that
China must cross the “middle-income trap" by using worldwide experience for reference.

China’s entry into group of middle-income country was judged
on the basis of CCP official data on GDP and national income.
This conclusion has been questioned by experts.

Xie Tian, professor, Business School,
Univ. of South Carolina, says that
Li Keqiang, when serving as Liaoning’s Party chief,
told an American ambassador that he did not believe China’s GDP measure.
Li said that he used statistics of electricity production,
bank loans and freight transportation volume to estimate local GDP figures.

Xie Tian: “He fully knows the official GDP figures are
If such basic data in terms of China’s national economy is
inaccurate, the data on national income is certainly unreliable.
So it’s ludicrous to use these false figures to make a
conclusion that China is entering the ranking of middle-income countries.”

U.S.-based economist Dr. Cheng Xiaonong thinks that
China has fallen into a “trap”, but not the “middle-income trap".
It is a trap of “economic growth plight”, a result of unfair
distribution of income and wealth.

Cheng Xiaonong: “In terms of per capita income,
China may barely claim to be a middle-income country.
But it has a very weird fact which cannot be found
anywhere in the world.
In a middle-income country, its national consumption
always keeps pace with its economic growth.
But it’s just the opposite in China,
where consumption is shrinking.
However, the beneficiary of its economic growth is not
the populace, but the government.”

Reportedly, in the 1990s, China’s national consumption
accounted for 46% of GDP.
However, since 2000, the percentage has plunged,
and in 2010, it was down to 35%.
Cheng Xiaonong points out that this is a rare phenomenon
in the world.
That is, China’s rapid economic growth was accompanied
by a sharp fall of national consumption as a share of GDP.

Cheng Xiaonong: “The outward economic growth didn’t
improve most of civilians’ income.
So their consumption fell off. The vast majority of
economic growth is controlled by only 5%-10% of Chinese.
This has created a large trap in reality.

In a country with the largest population of nearly 1.4 billion,
consumption capability can’t support economic growth.”

In recent years, CCP premier Wen Jiabao has repeatedly
said that China’s economy cannot realize a “sustainable growth".
Cheng Xiaonong thinks that Li Keqiang, set to be new
premier, apparently has not yet fully discerned the plight that Wen faces.
Or, Li has not yet found any solution to ameliorate the existing
“structure of income distribution”.
This is because it is closely linked to the CCP’s
“political structure”.

Cheng Xiaonong: “That is to say, when this ruling elite group
can hold unconditionally all the fruits of the economy growth,
civilians would benefit nothing no matter
how the economy grows.
This actually pulls China farther away from the
“middle-income” level.
The basic premise of the so-called “middle-income trap" is
that citizens have all reached the middle-income level.
Now, China is simply too far from that ! “

Cheng Xiaonong warns that if this situation remains
unchanged, the faster the economy grows,
the quicker the civilian income and consumption
as a share of GDP will drop.
