【禁闻】十八大后民间提政改 警察上门














采访/朱智善 编辑/尚燕 后制/柏妮

Interrogation Follows “Political Reform” of 18th Congress

Before and after the 18th Congress, the Chinese Communist
Party (CCP) created an atmosphere ripe for political reform.
A member of the China Democracy Party demanded
urgent reform, while immediately making recommendations.
Unfortunately, the only response he received was to have
police officers break into his house and interrogate him.

On November 23, more than a dozen police officers from
the Hangzhou National Security Team ransacked the home
of Lu Gengson, a well-known dissident in Zhejiang Province,
and about three hours later, took him away for interrogation.
The whole incident had resulted from Lu’s open letter to
Xi Jinping, asking for checks on China’s power balance, and for corruption be to curbed.

Lu Gengsong says, Xi Jinping and Zhang Dejiang had
both been the Party secretary of Zhejiang province in the past.
The China Democracy Party was established in their tenure;

both had suppressed it, but had failed to destroy the civil
ideological trend of political reform—both Xi and Zhang should face up to this reality.

[Lu Gengsong, China Democracy Party]:
“Everyone has had high expectations for political reform, since the 18th congress.
Xi and Chang are the two top officials, so I made some
suggestions, saying,
‘the most obvious sign of democracy in party politics
is the multi-party competition.
Zhejiang has the foundation; shouldn’t it be
the first province to engage in the political reform?
Then, shouldn’t you be the first to recognize the
legal status of the China Democracy Party?’”

The open letter asked the CCP to establish political parties
by submitting an application to the Ministry of Civil Affairs
and to end its 91-year-long illegal status of ruling.

Lu also proposed improving the political ecology of Zhejiang,

by allowing the Democratic Party to participate in next year’s
NPC general election and in the supervision of Zhejiang’s deputy elections;
for officially designated representatives to debate publicly
on China’s democracy and livelihood issues;
and for the release of political prisoner Zhu Yufu.

Officials responded to Lu Gengsong’s open letter
by breaking into and ransacking his home;
stealing two computers, three U-disks and a card-reader;
and then cross-examining Lu until late at night.

[Lu Gengsong, China Democracy Party]:
“I was in the interrogation room for criminals.
I was recorded as a ‘suspect’ and they wanted to charge me
for ‘inciting subversion of state power’.
I looked at my situation and said to them,
‘you are discrediting Xi Jinping’.”

Due to this incident, two other members of the China
Democracy Party in Zhejiang, Chen Shuqing and Xu Guang,
were also taken away for interrogation.

The police warned them not to engage in any activities
as members of the China Democracy Party.

[Chen Shuqing, China Democratic Party]: “We’ve been
participating in democratic activities for more than 10 years;
we’re not going to quit due to threats
because we understand our rights as citizens.
Our rights include democracy and the rule of law in China;

only when people continue to fight for their own power,
will they regain it—it is impossible that China’s rulers will grant this wish to the people."

[Xu Guang, China Democracy Party]:
“The article from the Democratic Party Zhejiang Committee
is wholly well-intentioned and for the common interests of all.
However, the officials’ own inner weaknesses and timidity
come from not daring to face the people or their expression.”

Lu Gengsong says, local officials probably wanted to gain
merits, but they did a disservice to Xi Jinping.

[Lu Gengsong, China Democracy Party]:
“Xi had created an open image at the beginning.
Unfortunately, he arrested many political prisoners and made
a very poor impression on the international communities, and he has crushed our hope.”

Chen Shuqing stated on the network afterwards that,

after the 18th congress, the first round from the officials
was a police meeting with the Democratic Party over checks and balances.
Chen Shuqing reiterated that the ruling party must be
subjected to the law, a civil society, opposition parties,
and the idea of checks and balances of power.

Chen says the Democratic Party will be moving forward
to defend human rights, promote democracy, and support the rule of law in China.
