【禁闻】朱虞夫求救 恐狱中遭“离奇死亡”






朱小砚:“我哥哥就是因为说了一些话,写了一些 诗,说了一些世人应该说的话,他就这么无缘无故的这么多年,他又没有伤害一个人。他只不过说了一些想说的话,就是说别人不敢说的话。”








原光大集团会计师 张连英:“那么一个年轻力壮的那么一个人,而且那么好的一个人,他妻子后来跟我讲,她说以前当所长的时候,经常骂人,脾气很暴躁很不好,爱打 人,可是修炼以后,他真的改了不好的脾气,没有再骂人,而且处处事事都按照‘真、善、忍’去做,还为别人着想,可是却没有他立足之地。”。


长春法轮功学员马春梅:“出来后,医生朋友告诉我,做器官移植肾配型才抽骨髓。延吉朝鲜族的漂亮女孩梦燕喜,在黑嘴子三大队被害得失去知觉,拖出去下落不 明到现在。我认识的同修周文杰、韩翠园、单敬华、赵莲花、杨桂俊、杨桂琴、张顺龙、刘景荣等被害死了,我妹妹马春玲上个月在大连被绑架,现在马三家劳教所被迫害。”


采访编辑/常春 后制/王明宇


Zhu Yufu Called for Help

Zhu Yufu, a party member of China’s Democratic Party,
was sentenced seven years in prison by Hangzhou court
in the name of ‘subversion of state power’, and is now being
detained in the No.4 Prison in Zhejiang Province.
Zhu’s health is deteriorating sharply.
Zhu Yufu and his family members are all worried that
he may suffer the same fate as those of Falun Gong
practitioners-death through unexplainable circumstances.
He has now called upon the attention of the
international community.

The family of dissident Zhu Yufu said, Zhu’s health has
deteriorated sharply, and his life is in danger at any time.
Zhu’s wife Jiang Hangli told New Tang Dynasty (NTD) TV
on 13th November,
because of political problems,
Zhu Yufu was mistreated in prison.

Another dissident in Hangzhou, Lu Gengsong, called on the
attention from the international community.
In addition, Lu Gengsong quoted a message from No.4 prison,
many Falun Gong practitioners have died there mysteriously.

Lu Gengsong, a dissident in Hangzhou:
“Prisoners know and will speak out that many Falun Gong practitioners have died there mysteriously.
So I worry very much that he may be
treated the same way as a dissident.
From frequent torturing of him, they may have the
intention of torturing him to death.”

Zhu’s sister Zhu Xiaoyan is also very worried about her
brother’s physical condition.

Zhu Xiaoyan: “My brother just said something,
wrote a few poems, and said some words people should say,
but he was imprisoned for so many years for no reason.

He did not hurt anyone, but just said something
he wanted to say, which the others did not dare to say.”

According to incomplete statistics, there are 3617 verified
deaths of Falun Gong practitioners persecuted to death.
From 1999 when Jiang Zemin launched the persecution of
Falun Gong, numerous people went missing, which is difficult to count.

Recently, Yang Cheng, a former resident in Zhifu, Yantai,

Shandong Province came to the ‘Quitting the CCP Global
Service Center’ to ask for help in finding his loved ones.
His wife was arrested by police, people from 610 office
and resident neighborhood office, at home on 10th March, 2004.
Their son and daughter aged 5 and 7 were also arrested.

Yang Cheng: “She (wife) started to practice Falun Gong
in 1996, and was arrested more than ten times in recent years for appealing in Beijing.
In March 2004, in my home, police, officials from the
neighborhood office and the 610 office, took away my wife and children.
They have been missing since then.
I cannot find them.”

Xue Peng, a former computer engineer and test project
manager of Sony Mobile Communications Limited,
is a Falun Gong practitioner in Beijing.
He recently accepted an interview with NTD.

Xue Peng: “In the forced labor camp, I was tied on to a
‘death bed’ due to my hunger strike.
My limbs were all pulled to extremes,
and my hands and feet were shackled to the bed.
There were people who came to insert tubes (forced feeding)
into my stomach.
Sometimes they inserted the tube into my trachea,
and I was almost choked to death.”

On 25th September, 2002, Falun Gong practitioners Sun Jihong
was arrested by three policemen at Fengtai district, Beijing.
Four days later on 29th September,
Sun Jihong was persecuted to death.

Zhang Lianying, a former accountant of the Everbright Group,
and a Falun Gong practitioner in Beijing, knew Sun Jihong in early 2002.
Zhang Lianying said that Sun Jihong was a former
police station director in Heilongjiang,
and was forced into homeless because
he insisted on practicing Falun Gong.

Zhang Lianying: “Such a young and vigorous man, a good man.

His wife later told me, when he was a director, who often
insulted others, had a violent temper and liked to beat others.
But after practicing (Falun Gong), he really changed his
bad temper, stopped calling other people names,
and did everything in accordance with
‘Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance’ and considered others wellbeing.
But now there is no place for him to stand.”

Ma Chunmei, a Changchun Falun Gong practitioner
escaped to overseas, was sentenced to forced labor camps twice during her persecution.
In Heizuizi forced labor camp, Ma was persecuted
until near death and was then sent to Jilin Province Hospital for a comprehensive physical examination.
Ma desperately resisted, so they did not
extract her bone marrow.

Ma Chunmei: “After I came out, a doctor and my friend
told me that kidney matching in organ transplantation needs to extract bone marrow.
Meng Yanxi, a lovely Korean girl in Yanji, was persecuted
until she lost consciousness,
and then was dragged out and has been missing up until now.

Falun Gong practitioners, whom I know were persecuted to
death, include Zhou Wenjie, Han Cuiyuan, Shan Jinghua,
Zhao Lianhua, Yang Guijun, Yang Guiqin, Zhang Shunlong
and Liu Jingrong.
My sister Ma Chunling was arrested last month in Dalian, and
was sent to Masanjia Forced Labor Camp to be persecuted.”

Ma Chunmei pointed out that if today the CCP can persecute
Falun Gong practitioners and dissidents, tomorrow, they may lay their violent hands on others.
She called on people with justice and goodness to help stop
this inhumane slaughtering as soon as possible.
