【禁闻】王立军被起诉 18大前或结束薄案

【新唐人2012年9月6日讯】王立军被起诉 18大前或结束薄案






不见希拉里 习中黑枪?政变说热传







打油诗频传 暗点18大入常名单










Wang Lijun Charged, Will Bo Xilai’s Case End Before the 18th Congress?

On the evening of September 5, the state media Xinhua
reported that the Intermediate Peoples Court of Chengdu city,
Sichuan province has accepted a case with charges against
Wang Lijun, ex-police chief of Chongqing city.

The report said that the court has charged Wang with
bending the law for selfish ends, abuse of power, treason, and bribe-taking.
Date of trial will be set for his criminal responsible.

Gu Kailai’s murder trial has ended, Wang will be sentenced.
Will Bo Xilai be the next one?

Continuing to follow up with the Wang Lijun and Bo Xilai affairs
is Zhang Tianliang, professor at U.S. George Mason University,
who has accurately made predictions about them the two.

He said that Bo’s case would have a result before the 18th Congress.
Otherwise the problem will be passed onto the next leadership.

Zhang said that if Bo’s case was postponed too long,
it will be no good neither for the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) nor for Hu Jintao.

Xi Jinping’s Meeting with Clinton Cancelled

U.S. Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, has arrived China.
On September 5, Chairman Hu Jintao met with Clinton.
Unexpectedly, China’s likely upcoming chairman Xi Jinping
has pulled out of a meeting with Clinton.
The cancellation immediately caused the wave of
discussion on internet.

A netizen with the alias “Palace Coup” said that
rumors had been spread widely.
The Wall Street Journal cited a US official as saying that
Xi had suffered a back injury.
However, netizens speculated that Xi could be
attached by someone.

Lin Heli, Hong Kong Current Affair commentator
told Voice of America that it was strange.
Lin believes that if Xi has cancelled such an important meeting,
he might have had to deal with an emergency problem.

German media: Date of the 18th National Congress Confirmed

The CCP’s 18th National Congress has become a subject of
focus for the public.
On Sept. 5, Deutsche Presse-Agentur reported that the 18th
National Congress will start in mid-October.

The report said that firstly, Beijing police will prevent big
events being held during that period.
Additionally, the date of the Beijing Marathon, held annually
in the third week of October, hasn’t been confirmed yet.

Doggerel Circulated by Netizen Hint at Standing Committee Members

In the environment of the CCP’s covering things up, many
different style of Standing Committee name lists circulated.
Doggerel (limericks) is one of them.

In early August, one was circulated:
“Beidaihe meeting starts now, will be held for two weeks.
Jiang, Chao, Ping and Shan get stronger, Gaoli, Yunshan and
Wang Yang will struggle for one seat.”

Netizens explain that first sentence refers to the meeting in
Beidaihe, which will be held for half a month.

The rest sentences refer to Zhang Dejiang, Li Yuanchao,
Xi Jinping, Wang Qishan, Li Keqiang and Yu Zhengsheng’s seats being secured already.
The last seat will be either: Zhang Gaoli, Liu Yunshan
or Wang Yang’s.

Yet Hong Kong media say that Wang Yang has secured
the last seat.

In late August, another one circulated: “Jiang, Chao, Ping and
Shan get stronger, Gaoli and Wang Yang lost the seat.
Seven-seat group Politburo Standing Committee was agreed.
The 18th National Congress will open on October 13.”

Netizens said that the doggerel refers to the seven-seat
Standing Committee being confirmed.
The 18th National Congress will be officially
opened on Oct. 13.

However, most people suggest not taking these doggerels too
