【禁闻】山东访民炸政府 6名官员险送命

【新唐人2012年9月4日讯】 山东访民炸政府 6名官员险送命




“反洗脑”升级 四千市民围港府




访民人山人海 五千人逼爆信访局




2号,网友又爆出,杨达才有一套定做的世界超级名牌阿玛尼(ARMANI) 西装,这套西装价值5万元!


Shandong Petitioner Bombs Council, Six Injured

Around 8am on Sept.3rd, a farmer set off explosives in an
official building in Tengjia Township in Rongcheng City, Shandong province.
Disabled petitioner Qu Huaqiang in a wheelchair
went to local council with the help of a villager.
When the vice party secretary and head of police came through
the door, Qu exploded the bomb and died in the explosion.
Six council staff were injured, two of them had severe facial
burns, four were slightly injured.

Netizens said that every time they see someone self-immolate
or explode a bomb to kill themselves, they feel very sad.

Netizens said that vulnerable people in China
are simple and kind-hearted,
they don’t want much, only hope to survive with
basic needs and a roof over their heads.
Hoping to be respected and have somewhere
to complain when they encounter injustice.
Why always force them to fight to death?

4000 Hong Kong Protesters Demonstrate
to Remove Brainwashing Education

Staring from last Saturday, Hong Kong anti national
Brainwashing education action was intensifying.
Radio Free Asia reported that Monday 5pm was the deadline
that Scholarism Organization set for Leung Chun-ying to announce the removal of brainwashing education.
However, Leung didn’t turn up. Then the Scholarism
Organization announced that the gathering extended to 7pm.

In the evening, over 4000 citizens surrounded
the government headquarter requesting to meet Leung.
Leung didn’t come out, the representative said that
they would stay overnight.
They planned to continue on hunger strike until the
government withdraw the national brainwashing education.

Many netizens in mainland China circulated videos and
photos supporting Hong Kong students’ protest.
Netizens said that they were the victim of brainwashing
education hoping Hong Kong won’t be poisoned.

5000 Petitioners Came to Beijing Appeal Bureau

The date of 18th National Congress hasn’t been confirmed
but petitioners from all over the China rushed to Beijing.
Radio Free Asia reported that about 5000 people came to
the State Petition Bureau.
2000 staffs were sent to prevent petitioners from appealing.

In order to avoid being stopped, many petitioners are
staying outside Beijing.
They will go to Beijing when the 18th Congress starts.

Smiling at Deadly Bus Crash, Shaanxi Official Was Found
Posessing 11 Expensive Watches and Armani Suit

serious traffic accident caused 36 people’s deathon Baotou-
Maoming motorway in Yan’an, Shaanxi province, the nation was mourning.
However, Yang Dacai, head of Shaanxi’s provincial Bureau
of Work Safety’s grinning at the scene become popular.
After his “grinning affair”, rumor spread that Yang had 11 top
branded watches, then he had to face “watches affair”.

On Sept.2nd, netizens revealed that Yang Dacai had a top brand
Armani suit specially made for him worth 50,000 yuan ($7884)!
