【禁闻】温汪“改革二人组” 中共救命稻草?

















采访编辑/常春 后制/薛莉

Wen and Wang’s Reforms—Last Straw in Saving CCP?

After the Chinese Communist Party(CCP)’s most attractive
Beidaihe Meeting, Premier Wen Jiaobao—also a member of
the CCP Politburo’s Standing Committee—and Wang Yang,
the CCP secretary of Guangdong Province, were kept busy.
On August 24, Wen Jiabao went to Guangdong Province
for investigations again, emphasizing that Guangdong needs reforming further.
Wen Jiabao and Wang Yang are advocating for the reform,
which the public is calling the “reform of two”.

On August 22, Wen Jiabao held an executive meeting of
the CCP State Council,
who decided to cancel and adjust 314 regulations
relating to administrative approval;
initiating Guangdong Province to test the
reformed approval system.

On August 24, Wang Yang, the CCP secretary of Guangdong,
published a long article in the CCP mouthpiece newspaper—
the People’s Daily, to promote the Guangdong-style
development path.

On August 24 and 25, Wen Jiabao made his 16th visit since
taking up his position as premier in 2003, to Guangdong, for investigations and guiding developments.

As many know, the Chinese economy is facing a serious crisis;

the subject of Wen Jiabao’s visit is “Stabilizing the external
demands, and accelerating the transforming and upgrading of the foreign trades.”

Cai Guihua, co-founder of China’s ‘Democracy Wall’ in 1979
points out, it is now a critical time for the Chinese economy.

[Cai Guihua]: “First is China’s manufacturing crisis—
the purchasing managers index is a bit higher than 47%, but lower than 50%.
Second is the real estate market crisis—the market bubble is
clear; it’s ever more obvious that it’s on the brink of bursting;
the local debt crisis is also in a serious situation.
And the third crisis is over capacity.

Cai Guihua further points out that, in such a grim situation,

Wen Jiabao and Wang Yang’s wanting to save the extremely
corrupt communist dictatorship is very difficult;
Wen and Wang aren’t the CCP’s last straw in saving itself.

[Cai Guihua]: “I can feel that Wen and Wang want
to use reform to change the CCP’s fate—its inevitable fall—which is impossible.
I don’t think those two can save the CCP regime,
which will be swept out of history soon;
the final fate of the CCP’s overturn cannot be changed.”

Cai Guihua says the CCP is facing unprecedented due-crisis
which is political and economic.
The dictatorship is dying and the economy, hard to maintain.

[Cai Guihua]: “In such a grim and terrible economic situation
with the very fierce fighting among the different CCP factions,
the crisis of the CCP’s ruling is obvious. We can see that
the end of this corrupt, reprobate party is coming.”

In May, Wang Yang did a report themed: “Get rid of the idea
that the public’s happiness is given by the communist party”.
Soon afterwards, Wang launched a tested policy:
“Officials claim their assets”—also touching on the CCP’s sensitive areas—
but the public say, it is hard to gain any achievement
with political reform from within the CCP.

In addition, World Journal reported that, foreign trade is
charged by the vice premier, Wang Qishan.
From this point, it can be said that there were other reasons
for Wen Jiabao’s visit to Guangdong Province.
The report analyzes that, Wen Jiabao’s Guangdong trip
was mainly focused on the cooperation with Wang Yang for the reform of the political approval system.
This reform was an important cooperation link between
Wen Jiabao and Wang Yang before the 18th Nation Congress.

Then why did Wen choose to cooperate with Wang?

The World Journal report further analyzes that,
alongside the economic crisis,
Wen Jiabao is leaving the political arena—people
will say some sad but brave words before leaving.
When Zhu Rongji left his premier position, his wish was
for people not to say, “he was a corrupt official”.
Now Wen Jiabao will be leaving and he wishes
to give people an image of reform.

Analysts comment that, Wang Yang had created an
image of reform through his policies in Guangdong,
which included “Empty the cage for new birds”,
“Happy Guangdong”, etc.
