【禁闻】国保弃高薪辞职 中共维稳添新变数











采访/常春 编辑/李谦 后制/王明宇

Domestic Security Division Personnel Resign from Well-Paid Jobs: New Changes to CCP Stability Maintenance

Recently, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) used policies
of ‘maintaining stability’ to deal with its crisis of ruling power.
Maintaining stability policies are dominated
by the Political Judiciary Committee.
Domestic Security Division personnel and police
have been cracking down on ordinary people.
The Central Political and Judiciary Committee was the
second most powerful unit within the CCP structure.
After the “Wang Lijun event” and the “Bo Xilai event”,
the Committee is struggling to survive.
The attitude of personnel involved
in ‘maintaining stability’ has started to change.
They have stopped following the crackdown orders.

On July 2, a large-scale protest took
place in Shifang, Sichuan Province.
The local people walked in the streets, protesting
against a project that planned to manufacture molybdenum, copper and other metals in the locality.
The project could cause serious environmental damage.

The local government deployed a large number
of military troops and police to crack down on the protest.
However, the local people did not stop protesting.

Eventually, the local government had to announce
that the project could cause substantial environmental pollution, and so plans would be revoked.

The Shifang people’s courage shown in the protest
was very impressive to the outside world.
On the other hand, those who participated in the crackdown
have commented that they were only following orders.
They didn’t take any violent action during the crackdown.

Hong Kong’s “Cheng Ming” magazine published an article.

It stated that a lot of shocking incidents
have taken place in China since early 2012.
Wang Lijun fled to the U.S. Consulate during the night.
Bo Xilai collapsed on the political stage.
Chen Guangcheng sought protection from the U.S. Consulate.
The Shifang people protested with great courage.
All of those things have escalated the internal crisis in China.

In addition, many social conflicts that are difficult
to resolve have been exposed to the world.
The Political and Judiciary Committee are the senior leaders
and protectors of local “stability maintaining” personnel.
When Political and Judiciary Committee’s power weakens,
personnel will be concerned about their future safety.
Therefore, when personnel execute orders,
they will take this into account.

Sun Wenguang, former Shandong University professor:
“Some people are also aware of China’s current political situation.
The one-party dictatorship has to be terminated
sooner or later.
Therefore, local ‘stability maintaining’ personnel
have to think about their own future.
They are afraid of being punished when the accountability
of the Domestic Security divisions is investigated.”

When Chen Guancheng successfully fled to the U.S.
Consulate in April, he told the media that there were at least 70 or 80 surveillance people watching him.
Sometimes there were even a couple of hundred people
guarding him, and each of them can earn 100 Yuan per day.
However, the money paid to his guards
is only a very small portion of the total cost.
The county gave the local government Millions
of Chinese Yuan for stability-maintaining expenses.
With a rough estimation, the money that was used
to persecute Chen Guangcheng and his family has exceeded 200 million Chinese Yuan.

As reported by China’s “Weiquanwang”, the income
of entry-level staff of the Domestic Security Division
is no less than 200,000 Chinese Yuan per year
in some developed cities in China.
Some experienced staff can make
as much as 1 Million Yuan per year.
However, some of them with integrity are resigning
from their well-paid jobs because they don’t want to commit more crimes to Chinese people.

Zhu Chuanhe, new immigrant from China: “For those
who are brain-washed by the CCP, they might be ordinary people, or staff within the government structure.
Now they come to realize what they are doing
is committing crimes to their brothers and sisters.
This is very encouraging.”

“Cheng Ming” magazine concluded its article
by summarizing the reasons why China’s stability-maintaining staff are starting to change.
Firstly, stability-maintenance is not legal
and not the normal function of governments.
Secondly, with wide use of the internet and micro-blogging,
stability-maintaining personnel are now under great pressure from public opinion.
Thirdly, the power of the Political and Judiciary Committee
has been attacked a lot.
They feel their future is full of uncertainty, so they don’t want
to act as “bad” people and their attitude start getting milder.

The article also points out that this new change
will play an important role in future events in China.
According to the current situation, it’s very possible that
during dramatic changes in China,
stability-maintaining personnel will stand on the side of
the people, rather than on the side of the CCP.
This is just like what happened in Eastern Europe
during the fall of Communism.
