【禁闻】谷案死缓 掩更大罪恶? 评:未完结














采访/刘惠 编辑/李明飞 后制/君卓

Gu Kailai Gets Suspended Death Sentence

Kailai, wife of Bo Xilai, has received a suspended death
sentence after being found guilty, on August 20, of murdering UK businessman Neil Heywood.
Media and public opinion expected this verdict.

Comments have focused on remaining
doubts and inconsistencies in the case.
The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) judiciary is thought
to use suspended sentences to hide greater evils.
It cannot be excluded that Hu Jintao & Wen Jiabao have
deliberately kept Gu Kailai alive in order to shock and awe Jiang Zemin’s blood-debt faction.

Gu Kailai was transported in a prison van to Hefei
Intermediate People’s Court at 7am on August 20.
A cordon was set up outside the courthouse,
and guarded by plainclothes police.

At around 9:40am, Hong Kong media were first to report
that Gu Kailai was given a suspended death sentence.
Gu’s accomplice, Zhang Xiaojun,
was sentenced to nine years in jail.

Official CCP Xinhua News Agency did not release
reports on the case verdict until 13:28 that day.

This official news reported that over 100 people
attended the verdict announcement.
Attendees included relatives and friends of the accused
Gu and Zhang, as well as British Embassy officials.
Neil Heywoods relatives had appointed
an agent ad litem, who was present in court.

The court was opened at 9:00 am,
followed by the verdict announcement.
Both Gu Kailai and Zhang Xiaojun declined to appeal.

Four former Chongqing senior police officers,
who were accused of harboring Gu Kailai,
were given jail sentences of between 5 and 11 years.

Chen Yongmiao, Constitutional scholar:
“The verdict didn’t surprise me at all. Why?
China’s judiciary generally was biased towards officials.
It especially protects princeling criminals.
If Gu Kailai was given the death penalty, other
princelings may one day face the same sentences.
This would mean they would face immediate execution,
so the authorities would not break their rules.”

Former history professor Liu Yinquan, commented
that the case was classified as an ordinary crime.
Liu said that it intentionally dodged issues of corruption
and “crimes against humanity” behind the scene.
The Dalian corpse processing plant was reportedly
implicated in making human body specimens by using Falun Gong practitioners.

Liu Yinquan: “The CCP’s trial was very unfair.

Its judiciary is too evil, so I appeal that the case is pursued
further until evidence is found of Bo Xilai’s involvement.
Jiang Zemin, who was behind Bo Xilai, should not be let go.

Jiang’s policy of persecuting Falun Gong instigated
fascists like Bo Xilai to commit crimes against humanity."

On August 9, the court spent 7 hours in hearing Gu’s case.

The CCP authorities alleged that there was ample criminal
evidence, and Gu Kailai accepted all criminal charges.

In contrast, the Wall Street Journal quoted sources from
Neil Heywood’s friend and prominent Chinese figures.
It stated that the CCP’s claims regarding the process
and reasons for Neil Heywood’s murder contained omissions.
They were ambiguous and inconsistent.

The news report stated that doubts have been
increasingly raised about the CCP leadership.

Beijing-based lawyer Tang Jitian
pointed out the biggest flaw in the case.
Many procedural doubts were not ruled out,
and there was insufficient fact finding.

Tang Jitian: “Now the result has come out.
But personally, I haven’t focused on its legal verdict.
In this case, non-legal factors have
actually played the greater role.
Although the authorities interpreted it as a criminal case,
it wasn’t really handled following criminal procedure law.”

Reuters reported that, “almost invariably in China, such
suspended sentences are commuted to long prison terms.”

Critic Li Tianxiao (Ph.D. in political science, Columbia Univ.):
“This is a very unfair thing, because the CCP actually used the suspended death sentence to cover up greater evils.
That is, her involvement in organ harvesting
from live Falun Gong practitioners, and sale of their body specimens for profit.
This is an evil that has never been
committed ever on this planet.”

Li Tianxiao adds that this does not rule out that

Hu Jintao & Wen Jiabao deliberately kept Gu alive
to shock and awe Jiang Zemin’s “blood-debt faction”.
The CCP is now precariously facing an imminent collapse.

Li Tianxiao said the CCP’s criminal persecution of Falun Gong
needed to be covered up with Gu Kailai’s criminal sentence.
While Li Tianxiao believed that such an unfair trial
will not be the final judgment in the real sense.
Li Tianxiao remarks that all the torrential guilt of what has
been committed by Gu Kailai, Bo Xilai, Jiang Zemin
and Zhou Yongkang, as well as other CCP officials,
will be subject to Heaven’s final Grand Judgments.
