






报导引述一位商厦五楼的工作人员的话说,“除了五楼销售区死了7名人员外,五楼办公区和其他的四个楼层仅仅只 死了3个人”,这不是事实。但是,这位工作人员说,为了孩子他不敢多说,怕遭到秘密抓捕。







Employee from Tianjin Department Store exposes Xinhuanet’s Lies.

The number of deaths caused by a fire at Tianjin Jixian
County Lai De Department Store remains a mystery today.
Tianjin local authorities insist only 10 are dead and 16 injured.

The CCP state-run media, Xinhuanet, reported on July 7th
that there were fewer than 20 people in the 5 story building during the incident.
It also said that while staying at Jixian People’s Hospital,
an employee claimed that including employees,
fewer than 20 people were at the scene when the fire took
However, this was exposed as a lie on July 9th
by the Tianjin branch Chinese News agency.

According to the Tianjian branch Chinese News Agency,
there are a total of five floors at Lai De Department store.
The first four floors are sales and business areas.

Only part of the fifth floor is for sales, and the other
is for administrative operations.

When the fire took place, there were a total of 15 employees
on the 5th floor, and out of these, 7 were found dead,
8 escaped alive, but the number of customers remains

According to reports, Lai De Department store is a local
first-class department store.
More than a few dozen administrative operations personnel
work there, so claiming there were less than 20 people present
at the time of the fire only accounts for sales personnel on
the 5th floor, and excludes administrative operations personnel.

On the night of June 30th, Tianjin Branch Chinese News
Agency exposed the fact that
those who successfully escaped the fire alive were
all “invited” to Jixian Public Security Bureau.
After an entire night of “verifying the situation,”
they were released the next day.
While “verifying the situation,” a Lai De department store
manager said everyone in the building escaped alive.

A report also quoted an employee from the 5th floor
who said, “Other than the 7 people who died on the 5th floor,
only 3 died from the other 4 floors and the 5th floor
administrative area.” This is simply not the truth.
However, this employee also said that he is afraid to talk
more because he is worried for his children, and is afraid of being detained in secret.

Rumor: Wang Lijun’s crony, Wang Pengfei, to be tried at Shi Jia Zhuang City

Recently, a new rumor began spreading after the Wang Lijun
scandal, the biggest political scandal in CCP history.
According to foreign Chinese media, after the Wang Lijun
incident, a confident of Wang, former General Chief
of the Public Security Bureau of Technical Investigation
in Chongqing Yubei Branch Secretary Wang Pengfei,
who was brought from Chongqing to Beijing by the Central
Discipline Inspection Commission,
is currently detained secretly at Hebei Province, and
will be tried at Hebei’s Capital, Shi Jia Zhuang.

On July 10th, Boxun reported an informant familiar with
the situation says that due to Wang Pengfei’s involvement
with the Wang Lijun affair, he is closely watched by Beijing,
and he will be tried under the crimes of “Suspicion of
Wrongdoing in One’s Duty” and “Bribery and Fraud”
after he is handed over to the judicial system.
According to current CCP law, once these two crimes
are established, the highest sentence for each crime may be up to 7 years.
After the crimes are counted and amalgamated, Wang Pengfei
will likely receive a 10+ year long sentence.

Wang Pengfei graduated from China Criminal Police College.

He had served for quite a long time at the Public Security
System in Tieling City and was Wang Lijun’s capable assistant.
He then followed Wang to Chongqing.

Suspected for helping Wang Lijun to enter the American
Embassy, Wang Pengfei had been secretly detained in Wuhan by Bo Xilai’s people after the Wang Lijun affair broke out.
On March 15th, Bo Xilai was detained in Beijing,
hence Wang Pengfei gained temporary freedom.
However, the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection
began investigating him a few days later.
