
【新唐人2012年7月4日讯】与往年一样,中共“七一建党日”各地都在宣传中共的建党话题,以及所谓的庆祝,但对香港40万人大规模的示威游行活动,当局却强力封锁消息。针对这种“河蟹”(和谐)的做法,民间举办了各种活动来对抗,网民网上的 “七一草泥马节”活动别具特色。















采访/陈汉 编辑/宋风 后制/薛莉

Netizen’s July 1 Festival

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has promoted ‘July 1,
foundation day of the CCP’ and related topics and celebrations.
But the CCP blocked news of the large-scale
demonstration activities of 400,000 people in Hong Kong.
For this kind of practice to be in harmony, also called ‘Hexie’,
there were a variety of activities in the protest.
A unique activity will be the online July 1
Grass Mud Horse Festival.

July 1, 2012 marks the 91st anniversary of
the foundation of the CCP.
Mainland media reported on a large scale on
the founding of the CCP.
Many newspapers and websites have
a bright red layout.

July 1, 2012 is also the fifth anniversary of the return of
Hong Kong to the mainland government.
40,000 people participated in large-scale demonstrations
in Hong Kong on July 1.
But the mainland official media did not mention it at all.

Many netizens learned the truth of the
Hong Kong July 1 March through the Internet.
Some accounts were deleted because details of the march
had been forwarded. Uploaded photos were also deleted.

In order to protest against the authorities’ inspections and
blockades, netizens held the first “July 1 grass mud horse festival" online.
The Festival is scheduled for
July 1, and it is the first in 2012.

Many netizens left their own images and text on the
event page.
Many followed the example of Ai Weiwei in a photo of
pointing his middle finger to the Chinese government agencies.

Liu Feiyue, an executive in human rights studio of ‘People’s
livelihood observer’ said,
Grass Mud Horse is a homonym,
and is an artistic way to protect their rights in art.
It expresses people’s hatred toward human rights violations,
deprivation of civil liberties. It is a way of struggle of the people.

Liu Feiyue: “The Chinese authorities blocked many news items,
So people in China could not know.
Then overseas media broadcast it. Later on, mainland media
obtained the news from foreign media,
and mainland people learned the news from foreign media,
and the news items were spread more and more widely.
It is actually very unfavorable to the Chinese authorities."

As early as in 2009, New York Times quoted a scholar’s saying,

“grass mud horse has become an idol against censorship",
it is “the weapon of the weak”.

Artists expressed their feelings in a chic way.

Beijing performance artist ‘Zhuihun’, performed
‘neck hanging’ with a huge CCP flag.
On July 1, 2011, he performed ‘boat wreck’ at South Lake
in Jiaxing, Zhejiang Province, where the CCP was created.
He used artistic expression to show his political philosophy.

A Xinjiang netizen said that Mao Zedong persecuted
80 million Chinese people through a variety of political movements.
CCP propaganda also claimed to have 400 million less
babies after its family planning, many of which were the result of forced abortion.
The CCP also killed many people by Strike Hard operation,
stability maintenance, 6-4 massacre, persecution of Falun Gong, etc.
It is a very vivid statement for the artist to express
truth in this way.

Xinjiang netizen: “Ever since the foundation of the CCP,

the number of people persecuted to death is not only 80
million, but could be over 100 million.
A Beijing artist tried to reveal the killing and persecution
by the CCP in the 60 years in power, showing a victim hanging with a CCP flag.”

On July 1 in Beijing, part of the petitioners held an open-air
concert- “Suggestions for the CCP Concert”, to express their wishes.

Petitioner in Beijing: “We hope victims expose heinous crimes
committed by the government’s corrupt officials under the ruling of CCP.
I hope everyone will show the identity, the place of origin,
reason for being victimized, petitioning experience and their persecution.
With this, the CCP flaunting their glorious,
great and correct …”

Fushun petitioners said that petitioning did not work at all.

When you registered here, they would inform the local
people immediately. Corruption tied them together.
She said that the petitioners are all suffering,
just expressing their mood on the July 1 holiday.

Fushun petitioner: “On July 1 holiday, we petitioners express
our grievances and hatred of corruption and corrupt officials."

From the creativity of the netizens, Cheng Chaofu,
a Chinese historian, said the performance showed that they hated (the CCP) bitterly.
People’s hatred went to extremes, they cannot control it.

So they will scold. I am afraid this is a phenomenon
which never happened in successive dynasties in the world.
