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China’s No.1 Case—Lü Jiaping Exposes Jiang Zemin

Chinese historian Lü Jiaping wrote an essay in 2002 named
“Please Vote for Hu Jintao,” which became China’s No.1 case.
Lü Jiaping later wrote pieces exposing the corruption scandals
of Jiang Zemin.
Last May, Lü Jiaping was sentenced 10 years in prison
under the charge of “inciting state subversion.”
NTD recently received parts of Lü’s drafted 2009 book, titled
“Prison and Trap”, which includes details about Lü’s case.
Lü is now seriously sick in prison—authorities have not given
permission to the medical parole called for by his family.

Lü Jiaping’s drafted 2009 book, “Prison and Trap” revealed
details of “China’s No.1 case”,
but due to his persecution, Lü’s book cannot be published.

The public speculates, Lü was able to expose Jiang Zemin’s
crimes because he received the acquiescence of Hu Jintao.

Two years ago, Lü Jiaping suddenly disappeared—
Only recently was there news about his “vanishing”
NTD received parts of Lü Jiaping’s book manuscript recently.

The foreword of the book introduces Lü’s article written on
October 6, 2002,
which called on then retired Jiang Zemin to deliver
military control to the current president Hu Jintao, triggering “China’s No.1 case."

Nov. 5, 2002—3 days before the CCP 16th National Assembly
Beijing police arrested Lü, detaining him in Hunan.
Ironically, on Dec. 4—20 days after Hu Jintao became the
CCP’s General Secretary—Lü was charged in Hunan for “supporting Hu Jintao” (Page 3, Chapter 1).

February 21, 2004—Lü was again arrested for writing a letter
to expose Jiang Zemin’s corruption scandals.
At his house arrest in Hunan, authorities monitored him 24hrs
a day and ordered him to stop writing “anti-Jiang articles".

In his book Lü said, to force Jiang to hand over military power
to Hu Jintao, he was ready to sacrifice everything. (Page 22, Chapter 1)

Mainland lawyer Li Tiantian points out the irony of Lü still
being in detainment when Hu Jintao has already taken power.

Mainland lawyer Li Tiantian: “Lü supported Hu Jintao;
now Hu is in power, but does he care about Lü?
Hu Jintao and Jiang Zemin are both born from the CCP—
They follow CCP traditions and treat the people as grass.
Haven’t they still punished Lü?”

In January 2010, Lü again publicly exposed Jiang Zemin’s
political deception.
Jiang had pretended to be a CCP martyr’s child, while serving
as a Soviet KGB spy—
Lü called both Jiang and his biological father “traitors”,
calling for thorough investigations of Jiang.

On May 13 last year, Lü was sentenced to 10 years in prison
for “inciting state subversion."
Lü suffered from heart attacks at the end of last year;
while in hospital, he was still handcuffed and shackled.
Lü’s health has lately deteriorated in prison and he often
vomits mouthfuls of blood.
The public, including Lü’s family members, have called on
the CCP authorities to allow Lü’s medical parole.

Lü’s friend, Mr Li, says Lü has still not gotten medical parole.

Mr. Li, Lü’s friend: “Currently, public media and Lü’s friends
are all trying to help him by raising awareness of his situation.
Lü is already 71 years old and not like those young prisoners,
so we are appealing for his medical parole.

Mr Li pointed out that Lü’s persecution is related to
Zhou Yongkang, Political and Judiciary Committee Secretary.

Li says, Jiang Zemin’s political faction arrested Lü Jiaping
after his new book,
“New evidence on Jiang Zemin’s fake underground party
members” spread on the internet in Aug. 2010,
when Zhou Yongkang personally
went to Shaoyang, Hunan to direct Lü’s arrest.

Lawyer Li says that the Political and Judiciary Committee
is like the CCP’s watchdog.
With the Committee and the CCP in power, there cannot be
any substantial changes in Chinese society.
