【禁闻】十八大中共维稳思路调整 挺乌坎














采访编辑/刘惠 后制/孙宁

CCP Changing ‘Maintaining Stability’ Method in 18th Session

A political expert who is close to Zhongnanhai has disclosed
information in overseas media.
In order to reduce the costs of ‘maintaining stability’,
the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) may release the “Wukan mode” in its 18th session.
However, with the unchanged CCP dictatorship and guidance
by it’s philosophy of struggle, can the “Wukan mode” really address the problems in China?
Some experts believe that from the personnel changes
of Guangdong publicity department, people can see that
outspoken media ultimately remain subject to the CCP.

Only with the end of CCP rule can political reform
be carried out smoothly.

Recently, a political expert who is personally involved
in a number of preparatory works for the CCP 18th session
disclosed information in overseas media.
The CCP will conduct some changes to it’s method
of maintaining stability.
The so-called political reform measures raised by Guangdong
Province may be promoted to the whole country.

After the end of the CCP Two Sessions in 2012, the actions
and speeches of Wang Yang, CCP secretary of Guangdong Province,
were very close to the tone of CCP central government.

These include the release of Registrar of Societies management,

the requirement of officials to abandon the mentality that
people’s happiness comes from party-state’s gifts.
In addition, the candidate election for the Provincial
Standing Committee members, and the recent open policy of officials’ property declaration.
All these make the outside world exclaim that
“the era of Wang Yang” is coming.

Observers highlight Wang Yang’s continuous “extraordinary"
performance is well prepared, with Hu-Wen’s support.
Public opinion internationally believes that Wang Yang’s
continuous exceptional initiatives seem to convey a signal that
the political reform faction will fully lead the CCP 18th session.

A few weeks ago, sources from Beijing revealed messages
to the Epoch Times News network.
CCP top officials have reached a four-point consensus,
which include:
organize all walks of life to participate in the
Preparatory Committee of new Constitution;
to announce that the CCP has completed
its historic mission;
to vindicate the June 4th Incident and to resolve
the Falun Gong issue;
and to realize the nationalization of the military.

Zhang Jian, Chairman of the “China Democratic
National Committee in the US” commented.
“These messages from the inside the CCP are on behalf
of the ideas of a small group of people within the CCP.
But these ideas must be on behalf of the majority
of the people in China, like the meaning of God.
It may be in the final tipping point of Bo Xilai, Wang Lijun,
Chen Guangcheng and Jiang Zemin’s blood debt faction.
All these have been well arranged by God.
All these things are coming to the point one after another.”

The large cost of CCP Politics and Law Committee’s
maintaining stability nearly led to China’s economic collapse.
Particularly since last year, quite a few events of maintaining
stability happened in China.
This included Wukan event in Guangdong, the Chongqing
event and the Chen Guangcheng event.
These events pose a major challenge to the mentality
of maintaining stability in the CCP central government.

Dr. Ye Ke, in the Division of Public Policy, University
of Southern California, commented.
The Wukan mode is an uprising result under the tyranny
of the CCP.
If the system cannot be changed fundamentally,
the oppression caused by maintaining stability will take China toward a revolutionary storm.

Ye Ke: “Wukan mode cannot resolve the real problems
in China.
The Wukan mode is just a little concession made by the
government, with public protests in only a small area.
The real problem relates to China’s institutional policy.

Namely, under the policy of the CCP,
the public have no real rights of freedom.
The governments also have no real motives and wishes
for the sake of the people.
In this case, the government can take back the concessions
at any time.”

Recently, the two most important positions in Guangdong
publicity department were approved.
Officials from Xinhua News Agency took the places.

Tuo Zhen, Vice Director of Xinhua News Agency, serving
as a member of Guangdong Provincial Standing Committee,
is expected to succeed Wen Jiabao’s secretary Lin Xiong.

Tuo Zhen will serve as Head of Propaganda Department
in the Provincial committee.
In addition, the position of CCP Secretary of the South
Newspaper Group was taken previously by Yang Xingfeng.
Now they are replaced by Yang Jian, former Director
of Guangdong Branch of Xinhua News Agency.

Zhang Jian said that the “South" newspaper is loved
by the people and also respected overseas.
But the CCP believes that it is a troublemaker
and arch rival of the Central Propaganda Department.

Zhang Jian: “Two day ago, “People’s Daily" raised those
things to challenge Wen Jiabao.
In that kind of way, you can see that, as long as the CCP
exists there,
you needn’t talk about such topics as democracy
freedom, religion and belief, or human rights.
You must establish it on a clear basis, that is, the CCP
must step down and be liquidated by the people.
Until that day, our demands will be handed over
to the plenary of the Chinese people.”

Zhang Jian believes that it’s a result of CCP brainwashing to
think that Wukan mode can make China towards democracy under the leadership of the CCP.
The outside world believes that only if the media
can assume overseeing functions without fear,
and the social system strictly adhere to the rule of law,
can social management be in the right track.
