【禁闻】传王立军或判死刑 元凶如何处置?










章天亮:“ 王立军他的这个犯罪,不只是个人的一个职务犯罪,他实际上是共产党的集团犯罪,那么王立军作为这个集团犯罪的一个分子,他能够了解共产党的黑幕,包括上层的薄熙来、周永康、江泽民、罗干,所以说王立军现在被‘杀人灭口’的话,有很多的罪恶因此就被掩盖了。”


采访编辑/常春 后制/黎安安

Wang Lijun Might Face the Death Penalty, How will the Main Culprits be Punished?

In the Bo Xilai corruption case, former Chongqing vice-mayor Wang Lijun’s escape to the U.S Consulate led to a series of investigations; how will the regime deal with Wang Lijun? A source within the regime expressed, Wang Lijun might face the death penalty. Regarding this, some scholars expressed, Wang Lijun is only a pawn; Jiang Zemin, Luo Gan, Zhou Yongkang are the main culprits.

If Wang Lijun is sentenced to death, that means the main culprits want to silence him, so it’s more important to deal with the main culprits.

How will Wang Lijun be punished is currently the focus of attention. It’s been rumored that Wang Lijun made up for his crime by exposing Bo Xilai’s corruption. However, some believe that Wang’s achievement won’t save him,
because he committed treason, the CCP high level wants to kill him as a deterrent to others.

Another reason is that Wang Lijun committed too many murders, his hands are full of blood.

Online author Wu Jianguo believes, Wang Lijun’s crimes are too vast to describe. He said, Wang Lijun frequently extorted confessions by torture,
killed numerous people and corrupted huge sum of money. Even under the Chinese regime’s own law, his crimes are worth a dozen death penalties.

Wu Jiangguo, “His worst crime is organ harvesting from living people, especially from Falun Gong practitioners, this is the most brutal crime in human history. These crimes must be punished. The worst criminals usually can’t escape the trial of history, including Nazis who committed mass murder of Jews,
the main culprits behind the Nanjing Massacre, and others.”

In 2008, World Organization to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong published a new report charging Wang Lijun with organ harvesting and human
experiments on live Falun Gong practitioners. Wang Lijun directed the “on-site psychological research center” in May of 2003. The center conducted several thousand organ transplant surgeries with very questionable sources of organs.

Wu Jiangguo also expressed, Wang Lijun is only a pawn, the main culprits behind the genocide against Falun Gong practitioners include Jiang Zemin, Luo Gan, Zhou Yongkang and others.

Wu Jianguo, “The main culprits like Jiang Zemin, Luo Gan, Zhou Yongkang abused their power to exercise such brutal persecution. Like how Hitler abused his power, they will not escape the trial of history.”

George Mason University Professor Zhang Tianliang also does not want Wang Lijun to be sentenced to death. He expressed, the Chinese regime is a black box operation, Wang Lijun committed some very major crimes, sentencing him to death would be to silence him, because Wang knows too many CCP high level hidden secrets. When the “bloody debt gang” is brought to justice, there will be one less piece of evidence.

Zhang Tianliang, “Wang Lijun’s crimes, it’s not a personal job-related crime,
it’s organized crime conducted by the Communist Party; Wang Lijun is only a member of this criminal group. He knows about the dark secrets of higher leaders like Bo Xilai, Zhou Yongkang, Jiang Zemin, Luo Gang, so if Wang Lijun is silenced, many of these evil crimes will be covered up.”

Wu Jianguo also believes, it’s more urgent and most important to bring the main culprits to justice.
