【禁闻】梁光烈访美 称共同利益远超分歧














采访/易如 编辑/李谦 后制/孙宁

Liang Guanglie Touts Sino-US “Common Interests"

The Defense Minister General Liang Guanglie of the Chinese
Communist Party (CCP) has begun his official visit to the U.S..
Liang claimed that China and U.S. relations are not a zero-sum game,
but win-win partners instead.
Analysts say that the Chen Guangcheng event exposed China’s
human rights issue more to the world.
In this context, CCP officials including Liang Guanglie fear
the public’s doubts about the regime’s legitimacy.
So they can only tout in high-profile, so-called “common interests".

On May 4, the CCP Defense Minister Liang Guanglie arrived
in San Francisco, beginning his a week-long official visit to the U.S..
China’s media said that Liang’s tour is a reciprocation of
former U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates’ visit to China in 2011.
The last visit of the CCP Defense Minister was made 9 years ago.
Liang, in his speech at the airport, said that the Sino-US
“common interests" were far greater than “the differences”.
The two countries’ relations have broader prospects for development.

Critic Wen Zhao points out that Sino-US common interests
mainly focus on economic and trade areas.
In practice, there are more differences between two countries,
such as differences in basic strategy, social systems
and ideology.
Wen Zhao comments that the recent Chen Guangcheng Event
was a heavy blow to the CCP regime.

Wen Zhao: “At the present moment, Liang Guanglie is visiting
the U.S., actually with a guilty conscience.
He very much fears being questioned on China’s human rights
issues, and on the regime’s shameless and lawless acts.
That’s why he always puts talk of ‘interests’ on his lips.
That implies that his host and its media don’t raise queries
on those issues. “

Political commentator Wu Fan says that there exist lots of
conflicts between China and the U.S..
U.S. President Barack Obama is now full bent on his re-election.
The CCP has been trapped into intense infighting,
so both sides do not want to see any conflict occurring.
Wu Fan made specific mention of the current South China Sea
dispute between China and the Philippines.

Wu Fan: “Now both sides are caught in a standoff .
So in his US visit, the (CCP) Defense Minister may talk
about these issues, reducing, instead of solving these conflicts.
This would be mutually beneficial."

Liang Guanglie was embroiled in the “coup" scandal of
Bo Xilai and Zhou Yongkang.

Liang once took a tough stance on the South China Sea conflict,
threatening the Philippines that it would “resort to military force”.
However, Liang’s attitude began to soften after
the US declared a mutual defense treaty with the Philippines
and Hu Jintao pledged to clean up the Party’s internal “cancer".

Voice of America reported that in Liang’s itinerary,
the US side intentionally arranged for his visit to include military bases.
These never-previously-opened-to-China military bases include
the U.S. 4th Fighter Wing and 2nd Marines Expeditionary Force.

Wu Fan view is that the U.S. side has long hoped to
strengthen communication with the Chinese army.

Wu Fan: “Communication can tell what the characteristics of
your army officers are, and that of our generals.
It’s necessary to know about each other.
Then these factors will be taken into account before
any military action is made, since all weapons are controlled by human beings.
Everyone has his own characteristics.
Thus factors from both sides, like cultural background as well as
characteristics, should all be taken into account.
It is the Americans contention all the time, to communicate. “

Wen Zhao adds that the U.S. government does not
consider mainland China as an enemy.
Yet the U.S. miscalculated the CCP regime with such
wishful thinking.
Wen Zhao points out that the CCP regime is essentially
different from dictatorial regimes in the Middle East.
Those dictatorial regimes are based merely on
certain interest groups who seized power.

Wen Zhao: “But the communist dictatorship has its own ideology,
which is similar to a kind of religious doctrine and theories to
explain the world, to view the world.
That ideology denies the justice of the democratic establishment,
but rationalizes all of its violence.
In essence, the communist dictatorship exists to topple
all existing societies in the world. “

Wen Zhao stressed that the incumbent U.S. administration
is focusing more on some short-term practical interests to
seek voter support for its re-election.
This is a different practice from what former President
Ronald Reagan who designed more far-sighted policies for the two countries’ people.

This really makes people feel regretful, Wen Zhao comments.
