【禁闻】学者台湾观选 吁中共仿效蒋经国














可是,打破台湾独裁体制的蒋经国受到了历史的高度评价。马英九曾在《怀念蒋经国先生》一文说:“十五年来,在任何一个‘谁对台湾贡献最大? ’的民调中,经国先生始终高居第一。”


China’s Scholars Learn From Taiwan’s Elections?

Taiwan’s presidential elections attracted a number of scholars
from mainland China to personally watch the elections.
Experts think, with its Chinese population,
Taiwan can be an example for democratic elections in China.
Some scholars’ hopes are on Chiang Ching-kuo
from the Chinese Communist Party’ (CCP) high-levels.
However, democracy activists said it is not possible for CCP,
ruled by large bureaucratic interests, to do a political reform.
And it is even less possible for the CCP
to have democratic elections.

Taiwan’s presidential election attracted a number of scholars
from mainland China to gather ideas.
They include staff from Xiamen University Taiwan Research
Institute and former China Economic System Reform Institute.
China Economic System Reform Institute was closed in 1989,
due to the June Fourth Incident.

During a seminar, the president of World and China Institute,
Li Fan, said Taiwan’s elections are not as chaotic as described.
They are lively. They are the liveliest
and exciting elections.
He said, “Taiwan’s elections let everyone know Hong Kong
and other Chinese societies can have democratic elections.
Democracy can be implemented well
in a Chinese society.
The development of democracy in Hong Kong
will have a great influence on the Mainland."

Meanwhile, 2012 Taiwan elections have received
extensive praises from the outside world.
“The whole process is less ideological, less discrediting,
more rational, peaceful and matured,” it was said.

Liu Yinquan, (Chairman, Social Democratic Party of China):
“Taiwan’s democratic elections reflect that the Chinese people
and nation are capable of conducting democratic elections.
Unlike what the CCP says,
that China is not suitable for democratic elections.
The value of democracy,
as a universal value, suites China.”

Liu Yinquan thinks the large Chinese bureaucracy
received huge benefits from the existing system.
They do not want to give up such an interest,
thus preventing any political reform.

Liu Yinquan: “Based on my experience, I do not think
CCP will conduct democratic elections, like these in Taiwan.”

However, Li Fan said in an interview that non-governmental
forces are still not sufficient for a political reform in China.
He called on the 18th Congress leaders
to follow Chiang Ching-kuo.

24 years ago, Taiwan’s President Chiang Ching-kuo lifted
the martial law, the press censorship and the CCP ban.
This opened up Taiwan’s democratization process, making
possible for multi-party elections and Congress legislators.

Liu Yinquang: “It is not possible for the CCP
to learn from the experience of Taiwan.
It will not lift the ban on the press,
or carry out democratic elections.
It has been strengthening its one-party dictatorship,
without any sign for political reform."

Liu published a paper in 2006, suggesting how to solve
the corruption issues within the CCP.
He suggested that the Inspection Bureau cadres
should be elected by the people.
Shortly after, Luo Gang, CCP’s Political and Law Committee’
head, said the CCP would strengthen its leadership in this area.
Liu thinks that CCP does not even allow democratic elections
at grass-root level, nor at the inspection organizations’ level.
How can it allow general democratic elections?

In addition, general director of Chinese League of Victims,
Zhang Zhaolin said it is sad to live under CCP’s rule and nothing is reported in the news.
The CCP’s propaganda is like self-promoting advertisement,
cheating the people.
Freedom of the press is the bottom line of the CCP’s control,
that cannot be touched.

Zhang Zhaolin: “What the CCP says sounds good.
The CCP always praises itself.
In fact, whether you are good or not
depends on what people say.
If people do not say you are good,
then how are you good?
The Xihai Revolution happened a hundred years ago.
The current China still has no democracy.
China is still under dictatorship,
with no freedom of speech or of the press.
A freedom will provide knowledge and truth to people,
who will then challenge the CCP."

Chiang Ching-kuo, who put an end to the dictatorship system
in Taiwan, is highly praised in history.
Ma Ying-jeou wrote an article,
titled, ‘In memory of Chiang Ching-kuo.’
In it he says: “In the last fifteen years, in any poll on ‘Who has
the greatest contribution to Taiwan?’ Mr. Chiang always ranks number one."

NTD reporters Tang Rui, Song Feng and Xiao Yu
