





黄琦:“包括参加维权的失地农民、拆迁征地的受害者,还有法轮功炼习者。我们希望能够,对于中国大陆的政治受难者、和权利遭到侵犯而入狱的这些朋友,给予更多的关注。 ”

《明慧网》披露,河南郑州法轮功女学员陈真萍曾经是肝癌晚期病人,因修炼法轮功而康复。 99年中共迫害法轮功后,她因为不愿背叛良知、向民众讲真相而多次被关押在洗脑班、劳教所等地,遭受酷刑折磨。







日前,以关注人权而著称的美国国会众议员沃尔夫(Frank Wolf)发布新书《良心犯》(Prisoner of Conscience)。他在发布会上指出,在中国大陆,法轮功学员还在被残酷迫害,家庭教会被打压,藏族僧尼自焚不断。他认为,国际社会应该加大力度,向中共施压。


Mailing Postcards to Prisoners of Conscience

As the saying goes, the holidays are the time of year
when we miss our family the most.
Next week, the Chinese New Year arrives.

The activist website, canyu.org, recently launched a campaign
to mail postcards to prisoners of conscience in China.
Overseas Chinese also mail postcards with New Year’s greetings,
showing support to the illegally detained Falun Gong practitioners.
The following is our report.

Canyu.org listed 24 well-known Chinese prisoners of
including the recently re-imprisoned human rights lawyer
Gao Zhisheng, and dissidents Chen Wei and Chen Xi,
who were sentenced on Christmas by the
Chinese communist regime.

Also on the list of prisoners of conscience is Tan Zuoren,
imprisoned over public commemoration of the June 4 democracy movement and
exposing the shabby construction work that collapsed during
Sichuan earthquake;
Guo Quan, Associate Professor of Nanjing Normal University,
sentenced to 10 years for organizing the China New Democracy Party;
and Dr. Wang Bingzhang, co-founder of the overseas
democracy movement, who was sentenced to life imprisonment.

The Chinese Anti-Political Persecution Alliance in America
President Liu Yinchuan: “These prisoners of conscience are the backbone of China.
They have not broken any law.

According to China’s Constitution, people have freedom of
religion, speech, assembly, and freedom of association.
The Chinese Communist Party has violated the Constitution itself by arresting these prisoners of conscience.
They must immediately release these prisoners of conscience.”

China Tianwang Human Rights Service organizer,
Huang Qi, indicated that,
other than these well-known prisoners of conscience,
more attention should be paid to the ordinary people being persecuted by the CCP.

Huang Qi: " We hope to pay more attention to our friends who
have undergone political persecution, rights violations,
and imprisonment, including the landless peasants who
participated in rights’ activities, the victims of land acquisition
and house demolition, as well as Falun Gong practitioners.”

Minghui.org disclosed the story of a Zhengzhou female
Falun Gong practitioner, Chen Zenping,
who used to be an advanced liver cancer patient.
She regained health by practicing Falun Gong.
Since 1999 when the CCP started persecuting Falun Gong
she has been detained and tortured in brainwashing centers,
labor camps, and other places multiple times because she wanted to tell the truth about Falun Gong.

In 2008, the then 56 year-old Chen Zenping was kidnapped
again, and sentenced to 8 years of imprisonment.

Her daughter, Jin Zhaoyu lives overseas.
She can’t return to China due to the persecution.
Because she misses her mother, Jin Zhaoyu has frequently
mailed postcards and letters to her.
After learning about the mailing, many overseas people began
to send letters to Chen Zenping in show of support.

Jin Zhaoyu said that because her mother does not give up
practicing Falun Gong, the authorities do not let her meet her lawyer or family.
Jin Zhaoyu is not able to obtain any information about
her mother and whether or not her mother receives the letters.

Jin Zhaoyu: “Being persistent in sending her mail should be
a type of support for her.
If she did not receive those letters,
I believe those letters may intimidate the authority,
because there are many overseas Chinese who send her cards,
support her, and pay attention to her."

Jin Zhaoyu mentioned that she has never been apart
from her mother for this long.
During the holidays, she becomes very sad thinking of
her mother’s suffering.

Jinzhao Yu: “I also appeal to have more people pay attention to
my mother and other detained Falun Gong practitioners.
I hope to end the persecution soon,
allowing all families to reunite."

U.S. Congressman Frank Wolf recently released a book entitled,
“Prisoner of Conscience.”
At his press conference he mentioned that in China,
Falun Gong practitioners are still being brutally persecuted,
house churches are being suppressed,
and Tibetan monks and nuns continue to self-immolate.
He believes that the international community should intensify
their efforts to pressure the Chinese Communists.

NTD reporters, Yi Ru, Li Qian and Zhou Tian
