【禁闻】揭血污十罪 陈秉中冒死三谏胡锦涛


河南省政府在90年代中期鼓励卖血,并将卖血做为一项发展经济的产业 ,许多非法抽血站纷纷成立,导致艾滋病蔓延。














Under the Threat of Death, Chen Bingzhong Admonishes Hu Jintao

Li Changchun and Li Keqiang are members of the
Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Standing Committee, Political Bureau, and Central Committee.
They promoted “Bloody Economy” when they governed
Henan Province, which led to a serious AIDS epidemic, with many local people being infected by HIV.
Without medical care and daily necessities, the affected families
have nowhere to turn to to ask for help.
Yet, the two officials who are responsible for the problem,
haven’t been held accountable.
Chen Bingzhong, former director of China Health Education Institute,
published a third open letter to the Chairman of the CCP, Hu Jintao,
which listed ten crimes that the two officials committed
in Henan. Chen did this despite the fact that the police severely threatened him.

In the mid-1990s, the Henan provincial government
encouraged the selling of blood
and set it up as an economic developing industry.

As a result, many illegal blood stations had sprung up,
which helped spread AIDS.

According to an open letter written by Chen Bingzhong
and published on November 28, 2010,
there’s tens of thousands of farmers who are infected with HIV
and at least 10,000 of them died due to AIDS.

Seeing the innocent infected farmers just waiting to die
Chen Bingzhong, who was filled with sadness and despair, published two open letters to Chairman Hu Jintao.
He strongly demanded that the CCP give medical and
Financial relief and compensation to those AIDS patients
and punish the two principal officials, Li Changchun and
Li Keqiang, who were responsible for the problem.

Despite the fact that many people were dying in the
AIDS villages, no CCP official seemed interested.
So, Chen Bingzhong decided to publish his third letter.

Chen Bingzhong: “I can’t care whether Hu Jintao answers
my letters or not, I have to say what I should say.
I published these letters to high level officials in the CCP
and to ordinary Chinese people as well.
I want them to know the truth about the ‘Bloody Economy.’

Secondly, I want people in the world who take care about
Henan Province’s AIDS epidemic, to know what happened.
The facts will speak louder than my own voice.”

Chen’s letter described ten crimes of Henan Province’s
“Bloody Economy,” including the fact that the CCP authorities
enticed poor farmers to “get rich by selling blood” which led
to a large number of poor people being infected by HIV.
The CCP initially deprived the Chinese the right to know the
truth about the tainted blood and then deprived them the right to spread the truth, once they knew it.
High-level CCP officials supported Li Changchun and
Li Keqiang in committing their blood crime,
by beating and persecuting righteous people who dared to unveil the truth,
as well as victims who petitioned the regime.

Chen Bingzhong: “People can make mistakes,
but they’re not allowed to hide them. This is basic common moral sense.
What happened in Henan Province is really a severe
violation of people’s humanity and common sense. High level CCP officials protect each other.”

Mr. Liu, from the Beijing Aizhixing Institute said
some netizen mentioned that they knew the truth by reading Chen’s letters.

Mr. Liu, from the Beijing Aizhixing institute: “Chen Bingzhong
is a very conscientious and honest person.
He is old and seriously ill, but still insists on revealing
this blood crime.
This bloody disaster is very serious; he can’t sit on the sidelines
and do nothing when he knows what’s going on.”

Mr. Zhu, an AIDS patient, said he fully supports Chen
Bingzhong publishing open letters to Hu Jintao.
He commented that the blood disaster was created by the CCP.

Mr. Zhu, AIDS patient: “The CCP regime is unmistakably
responsible for the problem for it was their policy mistake that
led to tens of thousands of people being infected with HIV.

I think Hu Jintao can view the letter as well as Wen Jiabao
and other officials.”

Recently Chen Bingzhong was diagnosed with cancer
of the liver.
But he said his righteous side has awoken and he will insist
on revealing the truth no matter how much he is persecuted.

Chen Bingzhong: “I’m a healthcare worker and
I’m saving lives.
I have the responsibility to speak out on behalf of the victims.
It’s a dereliction of duty if I didn’t do it.
So, no matter what threat I come up against, I will not give up.
A few days ago, Beijing police talked with me and pressured me.
I told them I won’t stop doing what I am doing.
No matter what kind of life I choose to live, I will die some day.
I want to die a meaningful death.
I would rather die fighting for righteousness.
Everybody will die; the hero will use his life to maintain
and guard righteousness and justice.”

NTD reporters:Zhu Zhishan, Wang Ziqi and Li Ruolin
