【禁闻】全球行贿指数 中国倒数

【新唐人2011年11月4日讯】反腐组织“国际透明(Transparency International)”发布2011年“行贿指数”报告,报告显示,中国和俄罗斯行贿腐败排名垫底。中国问题研究专家认为,中国贪腐一直很严重,因为中国是共产党体制,整个社会制度,思想体系和公共作风都是为私的,没有民主制度的保障,所以,这个结果并不奇怪。

总部设在德国柏林的“国际透明”组织,11月2号公布的2011年度“行贿指数”(Bribe Payers Index),将世界上28个主要工业国家和新兴工业国家纳入考察范围。他们对3000名企业经理人员就“是否愿意通过对外国官员行贿,来获得业务上的好处” 进行了问卷调查,根据回答他们给这28个国家的企业分别打出分数,满分为十分,就是“从不行贿”。











“国际透明”成员佩蒂拉贝尔(Huguette Labelle)发表声明说,20国集团(G20)本周在法国坎城集会时,必须紧急处理外国人贿赂问题。声明中指出,中国大陆与俄罗斯的排名垫底特别令人担心,特别是中国大陆在非洲的投资。


Paying Bribes, China Scored Worst With Russia

Anti-corruption organization Transparency International,
released its 2011 Bribe Payers Index.
China and Russia rank bottom.
Experts on China issues commented that corruption
in China has been very serious.
Because China is under ruling of
Chinese Communist Party (CCP), the entire social system,
ideological system and public administration established
are all motivated by self-interests.
There is no guarantee of democracy in China.
Thus, the ranking is not surprising.

On November 2, Transparency International,
a Berlin-based organization, published its annual
Bribe Payers Index (Bribe Payers Index), ranking
28 major industrial nations and emerging industrial countries.
The survey was conducted based on questions to
3,000 businessmen, “Are you willing to pay bribes to
foreign officials to gain business benefits? ”
Enterprises of 28 nations are graded on their answers.
10/10 full marks represents never offering bribes.

Of 28 countries and regions, China ranked 27 with 6.5 scores,
Russia’s score is 6.1, ranking the last.

Zhao Yuanming, an expert on China issues, said that
the outcome is not surprising at all.
Zhao Yuanming: “In today’s China, the ideological system
and the ruling party, both are the CCP’s stuff, which are
motivated by heir self-interests, in terms of whole social
system, ideology system and public administration.
What’s more, no institutional security has been set up to
protect democracy. That is to say, everything they have
done is to pursue self-interests, small-group interests,
or to gain the interests of authoritarian ruling. “

In 2010, German carmaker Daimler were suspected to
pay bribes to government officials and executives of
State-Owned Enterprises in China, Russia and
other countries, as many as tens of millions of US dollars.
Daimler was accused by the U.S. Department of Justice.
China Petroleum & Chemical Corp.,
China National Petroleum Corporation and among others
are implicated.

Zhao Yuanming: “When dealing with the economy,
they use their inertia way of thinking or inertia behavior,
taking such practices from domestic to abroad.

In Soviet Union and China, domestic corruption are very
rampant. They believe that corruption can work overseas.
So they offer bribes during the international trade business,
for their hidden purpose. ”

Financial Times reported that in Namibia, Nuctech,
a company providers of security scanning equipment was
charged with paying bribes for a USD 55 million contract.
One of bribers is Chinese official representative.
The company was headed by 38-year-old Hu Haifeng,
the son of CCP President Hu Jintao.
After the bribery case was exposed, any information related
to the bribery probe in Namibia has been blocked.

Mr. Sima(Anti-corruption activist): “Corruption in China is
different from that of the West.
In the U.S. or other western countries, they also
have corruptions, but is not to the same degree.
The reason behind is that they have multipartism to
implement mutual supervision.
But this is wholly different in a one-party state.
For example, I have protector within CCP’s top-level,
so when you regulate corruption that I committed,
I can minimize the impact and ignore the trouble. ”

Mr. Sima believed that China’s corruption cannot
be eradicated, due to the ruling party’s nature and institution,
coupled with a country’s culture.
All these result in different degree of corruption.

This year, Wenzhou Train Crash made civilians to trace
back to the corrupt officials within CCP railway system.
According to mainland media reports,
Transport Secretary of Railway Ministry Zhang Shuguang,
his wife possesses three grand houses in Los Angeles,
plus 2.8 billion U.S. dollars deposited in the banks of U.S. and Switzerland.
The corruption is far more than RMB 800 million
(US$123 million) committed by Liu Zhijun,
who was removed the post as Minister of Railways.

He Junqiao (Observer): “The likelihood of companies’
paying bribes has great relationship with the nation’s corruption index.
Like China, what corruption is it classified as?
The answer is simple. Until today, the ruling party has not passed the so-called apparent plan.
Civil servants did not declare their personal assets.
This alone can explain all problems.”

Transparency International Chair Huguette Labelle, said
in a statement that G20 Cannes Summit this week,
“must tackle foreign bribery as a matter of urgency.”
The statement pointed out that “It is of particular concern
that China and Russia are at the bottom of the index.”
Especially China’s investments in Africa.

NTD reporters Zhou Yulin, Tang Rui and Xue Li
