


牧民们曾向当地政府反应,但没有得到任何帮助。4月26号开始, 达布希勒图和红格尔嘎查牧的牧民们自发组织起来,拦截运煤车,保护草原。



22号,当地政府给了莫日根家里送去56万元现金想私了。但10号晚上在场的牧民们,曾听到运煤车司机喝酒吃饭时说,“ 杀死一个牧民顶多赔个40万”。牧民们说,不是为了钱,是为了蒙古人的尊严,要让当局给保卫草原的莫日根建纪念碑等等。







中共建政后,在不同时期用不同方式不断开垦内蒙草原,比如用“开发边疆 建设边疆”的旗号,送知识青年上山下乡,成立生产建设兵团,甚至还把山东整个村子的人都给迁到内蒙古去。

席海明:“他们认为那是荒地,实际对蒙古人来说,那是他的生活资料、生产资料,就是蒙古人的命根子。因为草原“天苍苍 野茫茫 风吹草低见牛羊”,现在啥都没了。原来英国工业化的时候,因为织毛毯、织呢子,圈地运动叫“羊吃人”,现在蒙古的草原上人吃羊,把蒙古人 的生存给吃掉了。”



Mongolian Herder Murder Case

Herder Mergen was crushed to death for protecting
the prairie from coal mining in Inner Mongolia.
Thousands of Mongolian students gathered to protest
and march in front of the Xilin Gol League government.
Human Rights League of Inner Mongolia’s chair,
German-based Xi Haiming (aka Temcheltu) said,
Chinese communist authorities (CCP) have severely
damaged the prairie, which is the Mongolians’ lifeline.

On May 10, in a town in West Ujimqin Banner,
35-year-old herdsman Mergen was crushed to death
for protecting the grassland, by coal trucks of
a Han mining company Chun Cheng Group.
Since 1980’s, large coal trucks have been running
on the Mongolian prairie, destroying vegetation and
frequently killing cattle and sheep raised by herders.

Herders have reported this repeatedly to government,
but didn’t receive any help. On April 26, 2011,
herders in the region spontaneously became organized
to intercept coal trucks, in order to protect grasslands.

At night on May 10, most herders returned home.
Over 100 intercepted coal trucks suddenly rushed
towards a dozen herdsmen that remained.
Mergen was run over by a coal truck and then
dragged for over 150 meters. He died on the spot.
When the police wanted to intervene,
the murderous truck drivers escaped.

On May 11, drivers Li Lindong and Lu Xiangdong,
suspected of homicide, were arrested.

On May 22, the government gave Mergen’s family
RMB 560,000 yuan to settle the incident.
Witnesses to the murder said the drivers said,
“Killing a herder needs to pay max RMB 400,000.”
Herders demanded the authorities to build
a monument for Mergen for protecting the prairie.

On May 23, almost 1,000 people protested in front of
Xilin Gol government and confronted the police.

Xi Haiming: At last, the authorities dispatched 200
soldiers and policemen to block the streets.
They arrested three herders and one student.
Herders from 4 communes are blocked by the police
when they enter into the Banner.”

On May 25, over 2,000 Mongolian students broke
the schools’ blockage and gathered in front of
the Xilin Gol League government.
Students clashed with the police, and 4 students
were hit by police cars. One’s legs were fractured
and over a dozen students were injured.

Xi: In Xilin Gol League, not within the Banner,
over 200 students from 3 schools and a vocational
college marched to the government buildings
to hand in their petition letter to the authorities.

Xi revealed, the authorities’ building of coal mines
and power generation stations,
is not only plundering resources,
but also damaging the environment.

Xi: After excavation, coals are burned nearby to
generate electricity and the government and
children of ex-premier Li Peng made money,
leaving the environment polluted.
The Mongolian prairie and the air are all ruined.

After the CCP usurped power, it unceasingly
reclaimed the prairie land with various means.
It sent youths to “build and construct the frontier”.
The CCP even moved an entire village in Shangdong
to Inner Mongolia.

Xi: They (CCP) deemed it wasteland, but it is
the Mongolians’ lifeline and their base for herding.
Now, everything is gone. In British Industrialization,
the enclosure movement was referred to as
“Sheep eating men”, but now in Inner Mongolia,
it is men eating sheep, destroying Mongolians’ lifeline.

Xi said, as the CCP has damaged the prairie,
even wolves became extinct.

NTD reporters Zhao Xinzhi and Wang Mingyu
