【禁闻】川警暴打教师引万人抗议 官方封网















Mass Protest Against Police Violence

In Shehong County of Suining City in Sichuan Province,
students led a protest of over 10,000 people
demanding an answer from the local government as to
why seven police officers violently beat a teacher.

In the afternoon of May 3, Yu Hui, a teacher from Sichuan
Shehong High School, attended an awards ceremony
organized by the school. At Jingui Garden near the school,
he was beaten by seven plainclothes policemen, who.
took off his clothes and brutally beat him for 30 minutes,
causing severe injuries.

Teacher Liang of Shehong High School, said that while
Yu Hui was being beaten, several teachers and the
principal tried to explain that Yu is a school teacher.
They asked the policemen to stop, but they refused.
Without any documents or ID, the policemen handcuffed
Yu, and escorted him to their car and continued to beat him.

The teachers and students who witnessed the beating,
were furious. The students encouraged their teachers
to go on strike.

On May 4, students walked to the county government
compound, yelling slogans and holding up banners
saying, “Police Hit People! Please Uphold Justice!”
Many teachers and parents joined the protest, along
with passerby. Over 10,000 people joined the protest.
They surrounded the county government compound.

According to epochtimes.com, when protestors
arrived at Shehong County government compound,
they were attacked by both government security and
staff members, who threw plant pots at the students,
making everyone angry. The protesters in turn,
smashed the gates to the compound and office buildings,
and even destroyed flowerbeds. They also burned the
banners hanging on the gates to the compound.

At 11p.m. on May 4, officials held a news conference.
It was explained that Taihe Team of the Public Security
Police Squadron arrested and beat up Yu Hui by mistake,
thinking he was someone else. They said that they would
issue an official statemtn about the incident in 5 days.
People left the news confernce in the early morning of May 5,
but they were not satisfied with the police’s claim that
they “arrested and beat Yu Hui by mistake.”

Teacher of Shehong High School:
“We absolutely demand an investigation into the incident
and want to punish these criminals. Even if they arrested the
wrong person, they should not have beaten a man like that.
Now, it is hard to control the teachers and students’ emotions.
But considering the overall situation, learning is still very
important to students. Students need to study.”

On Thursday, the Sichuan News Network and
other Mainland media published the official press
conference, statemnt, which did not mention the mass
demonstrations that were triggered by the police’s
improper handling of the situation.

Students returned to class on Thursday.
Government officials and public security staff went to
the school to talk with teachers, and ask them to try
to calm the students down. Posted news related to the incident,
were removed from the internet. Access to the school’s site
on Baidu was blocked due to a “violation of relevant laws.”

Teacher Liang:
“Last night many people took pictures, but we did
not find anything on the internet. We cannot find
any news about Shehong High School on Baidu.”(RFA)

The Public Security Bureau said afterwards that
false arrests are very common, up to 20 percent
per year. Some of the 7 officers who arrested Yu,
are said to be sons of CCP officials.

One teacher from Shehong High School questioned how
she can protect the students, when even the teachers’
lives and security are not protected.

NTD reporters Tang Rui and Wang Mingyu
