


广西自由作家荆楚:“今天早上出去加油,看到很多人在街上成群结队的大家在买盐,开始的时候一块五一包,后来买的二块五 、三块 、四块、五块、六块、七块还有人在买。”


北京民众:“反正盐我今天上午转了一圈,到市区去了,大超市全部没有,我又坐了一个多小时的车,大兴区啊、丰台区啊到处去看看,到九龙城(音译)小批发市场或小卖部,哪怕很小的小卖部都没有盐 ,货架上全是空的”







Japan Nuclear Leak Causes Chinese to Panic in Salt Supplies

Japan’s nuclear leak due to earthquake and tsunami
makes people worry about air pollution and
possible seawater contamination.

Because of the worry, in China, crowds rush to swipe
salt from supermarkets and grocery stores.

In front of the supermarkets and grocery stores in
many regions of China, people are waiting in long lines
just for buying salt, and the number is increasing.

The rush for salt has brought up salt price
from 1.5 Yuan RMB per pack to several times more.

Jing Chu, a freelance writer in Guangxi: “I went out
this morning for gasoline and saw a lot of people
on the streets waiting to buy the salt. The price started
from 1.5 Yuan RMB per pack all the way to 7Yuan
and there were still people buying the salt.”

A civilian who is currently living in Beijing said,
his hometown in Jiangxi had run out of salt supply.
Thursday, he looked at many places in Beijing and
realized Beijing had even a worse shortage of salt.

The Beijing folk: “I checked quite a few places this
morning including the downtown, salt was out of stock
at all supermarkets. Then I took bus to Daxing and
Fengtai districts, and the Kowloon Wholesalers Market,
all salt shelves are empty there.”

A supermarket employee in Xidan said Thur. evening,
salt is nearly out of stock at all supermarkets in Beijing.

Supermarket staff: “All supermarkets are the same.
The suppliers can’t meet the demand, and nobody
can guarantee the supply of salt.
If anybody buys two packs no matter whether he is
in need or not, the supply is for sure not enough.
Even you deliberately wait here,
we don’t know when the salt will be coming.”

Salt supply is not only short at Supermarkets in Beijing,
Many wholesale places used to be full with salt bags
and now seem to be empty,
Outside the stores, customers are still waiting for salt.

Rumor spread among Chinese folks that the Japanese
nuclear leak may cause contamination on the oceans
near China and lead to unsafe salt supply. The rumor
also said “Eating iodized salt can prevent radioactive
contamination," which set off a wave of rush for salt.
The local governments held various press conferences
to stop the rumors and urged the public not to panic,
but they failed due to poor creditability of the CCP.
The more the officials clarified, the bigger the doubts.

The Japanese nuclear leak not only caused people’s
panic and salt rush in China and Hong Kong, but also
rush for iodine tablets and face masks.
Experts advise the public that the iodine content of
iodized salt is too low to prevent radioactive impact.
It is advised that people do not purposely eat an excessive
amount of iodized salt or iodine tablets
to prevent any detrimental effects on health.

NTD reporters Chang Chun, Wang Xin and Xiao Yu
