【禁闻】中共封锁“散步” 引公愤



“亚洲民主动态调查”(Asia Barometer)作者认为,事实上,中国的独裁主义比中东更加厉害。中共当局严密监控民怨,有时杀鸡儆猴、有时派兵镇压、有时转移目标。


政治学家赛谬尔•亨廷顿( Samuel Huntington)强调,过去,人们会利用报纸与电台动员,今天他们改用手机、脸书、推特来行动。









China Blocks Calls for ‘Jasmine Strolls’

Chinese activists, inspired by democratic protests
in the Middle East, called for 5th ‘Jasmine stroll’
in protest against the Communist regime.
The CCP thus tightened online information control,
and increased police surveillance.
Many activists have gone missing.
The public expressed anger towards CCP actions.

The Wall Street Journal article “Is China Next?”
remarks, “This issue dogs all regimes that have
neither the rule of law nor public accountability:
The authorities routinely fail to respect
the dignity of ordinary citizens and run roughshod
over their rights. There is no culture in which
this sort of behavior is strongly resented.”

According to Asia Barometer, oppression in China
is worse than that in the Middle East.
The CCP tightly controls social unrest situations,
with propaganda and sometimes military forces.

The WSJ article believes, “If the country’s current
property bubble bursts and tens of millions
of people are thrown out of work, the government’s
legitimacy, which rests on its management
of the economy, would be seriously undermined.”

Political Scientist, Samuel Huntington, stressed
that people used to be mobilized by newspapers
and radio; today they are spurred to action
by cell phones, Facebook and Twitter.

Beijing resident, Mr. Zhang: “I think the more CCP
tries to suppress, the more channels will become
available. Many people who were not aware before
have become interested in such matters.”

The online call for the 5th ‘Jasmine Stroll’
is for March 20, this time with new locations
including 20 campuses such as Beijing University.
The CCP regime is making every effort
to stop such information from circulating.

The organizer of the protests announces
that these ‘Jasmine Strolls’ will continue
unless the regime agrees to respect the people.

Wen Jiabao said on March 14, that China’s biggest
crisis was corruption; political reform, and public
supervision are needed to eliminate corruption.
However, on the first day of the ‘two meetings’,
8 activists, incl. Chen Yanyan and Yuan Chunsheng,
were arrested on Tiananmen Square.

“The actions of the CCP will only anger the public
and push more people to become ‘Strollers’”,
said organizers of the ‘Jasmine Revolution’.

Recently, online activities of government-hired
hackers increased dramatically,
disturbing communication tools
such as Twitter, Facebook, and Gmail.

According to Süddeutsche Zeitung,
due to social injustice, Chinese leaders
are in fear of the ‘Jasmine Revolution’,
as well as of its own people.

NTD reporters Tang Rui and Wu Huizhen
