















Media Call CCP’s “Two Meetings” Hell’s Gate

The CCP’s “two meetings” started on March 3, 2011.
Amid democratic movements in Arab countries,
internally the CCP faces social conflicts, such as
mounting social injustice, inflation and income gap.
Some media call CCP’s annual “2 meetings” hell’s gate.
This year, Beijing’s atmosphere appears to be subtle.

According to Radio France Internationale,
the important goal of the “two meetings” is to prevent
social unrests from erupting due to increasing discontent.

On Feb. 28, Beijing Transportation Department
started so-called “Moat Project” to control the traffic.
Volunteers with “red armbands” have also been
dispatched onto streets to “maintain stability”.
According Beijing Public Security Bureau,
739,000 volunteers are mobilized for “two meetings”.

A dissident in Beijing: “Mobilizing 700,000 people
to stand on guard for the “two meetings” is
a complete waste, a kind of corruption and crime.”

Media reported that, since Feb. 25, Beijing police
has been systematically arresting incoming petitioners.
Dissidents and rights activists were warned and
interrogated by the police or put under house arrest.
There are incidents of foreign reporters being beaten.

Qin Yongmin, chair of Human Rights Watch in China:
During the “two meetings”, the authorities intensify
the suppression to keep the discontent people quiet.
This situation will not last long.
Their path is getting narrower and narrower.
It is hard to tell what the end results will be.

This year’s situation is tougher than previous years.
For example, despite government’s intervention,
the inflation reached 4.9% in January.
The embezzlement case of 880 million Yuan by
Ex-Railway Minister Liu Zhijun was exposed in Feb.
It greatly aroused the indignation of the people.
Similar corruption issues triggered the demonstrations
in North Africa, causing the despotic regimes to collapse.

Qin: Democratic movements swept the Arabic world,
which used to be a stronghold of dictatorships.
Over 10 countries were involved.
To CCP, the development is a strong shock.
They should know that to continue one-party rule and
to use “two meetings” as a camouflage is a dead end.

Then, in Premier Wen Jiabao’s speech on Feb. 6,
what new measures can the common folks expect?

Bao Tong, secretary of ex-CCP head Zhao Ziyang,
told AFP, if Wen’s report lacked new political measures,
his failure to meet people’s demands will cause problems.

Mr. Song, a democratic activist in Jinzhou, Hubei, said,
if the CCP carries out political reforms, it will demise;
if no political reforms are carried out,
the economic developments will face a bottleneck.

Song: Free economy relies on a free political system.
Only a free political and democratic system can
lead to a society ruled by law,
which can protect and develop a free market economy.
These are impossible for the CCP to achieve.
Without an environment for free economy,
China’s social conflicts are difficult to resolve.

Being dubbed “hell’s gate”,
what practical problems can “two meetings” resolve?

Radio Free Asia reported,
current Chinese affairs commentator Liu Nianchun
and University of Central Oklahoma’s Li Xiaobing said,
China’s mass unrests are ever-increasing,
but the CCP cares only about its power stability.
Conflicts accumulated throughout its 60 years’ rule.
The “two meetings” cannot solve the real problems.

NTD reporters Chang Chun, Li Jing, and Zhao Xinzhi.
