
【新唐人2011年3月1日讯】中共人大、政协“两会” 即将召开,中共总理温家宝与网友网上交流,主动向房地产商喊话,说他们作为社会一员,身上也应该流着“道德的血液”。此番言论招到各方炮轰。


在连线谈话时,温家宝说:“‘住有所居’并不意味每人都有自己的住房。” 他声称,去年大陆人均住房面积达到33平方公尺,人们的住房多数得到了改善,家庭自有住房率高达80%。


网络作家Mark Twin说,按照温家宝的说法,现在的城镇居民当中,已经有80%的三口之家都有了99平方米住房。但事实显然不是这样,否则,房价不会如此飙升。













Wen Jiabao’s Moral Preaching to Real Estate Questioned

Prior to the CCP’s “two meetings,”
Premier Wen Jiabao appealed to real estate developers,
saying they must have “moral blood.”
Wen’s comment, shown on the web, is questioned.

On Feb 27, Wen was interviewed by official media
Chinese Government net and Xinhua net.
Net users questioned Wen on the high housing price.
As authorities have claimed to lower the price,
but the price continues to rise.

Wen replied in the online chat:
“Not everyone will own homes. ” He said on average,
each person has 33 m2 of living space last year.
About 80% of Chinese families own homes.

Wen’s reply stirred up heated discussion.

Web writer “Mark Twin” said, according to Wen,
80% of 3-person families have 99 m2 homes.
This contradicts with reality
and the rising housing price.

A study by Academy of Social Sciences indicated,
85% of Chinese families are unable to buy homes.

In the online chat, Wen also issued a moral preaching
to the real estate developers:
“As members of the society,
you have social responsibilities.
You must have moral blood.”

On Wen Jiabao’s “moral demand,”
Ge Weimin, a real estate developer, commented:
Prior to the CCP’s “two meetings,” Wen is trying to
appease the sentiment against the high housing price.

Well-known scholar Zhuang Daohe believes,
rising housing price is a result of the land seizure.
The government should not shirk responsibilities.

Zhuang: The government allows developers
to make huge profits.
The government does not take responsibilities,
but to throw the whip on others.
It does not make sense morally.

Zhuang said, Wen Jiabao, as government official,
is interfering with the housing market and
harming economic freedom.

Zhuang: The government wants a rising housing price,
as it can make high profit and collect much tax.
Local officials make underhanded profit as well.
The problem here is too much government control
and not much of a free market.

RFI had a report on the afternoon of Feb 27,
quoting two Xinhua articles on housing tax reform.
By the evening, Xinhua had withdrawn the articles.

The Chinese constitution stipulates that
land is owned by the state.
Housing tax implies private ownership of land.

Zhuang: If the state owns the land but taxes me on it,
then the land should belong to me.
If property tax continues, it means both the land and
the house are legally privatized.
Then we must mend the constitution.

Zhuang said, the CCP is the largest land lord in China.
They must have suddenly realized the contradiction
with housing tax.
In order to protect their long-term interests,
Xinhua News Agency withdrew the articles
on housing tax.

NTD Reporters Qin Xue, Wang Ziqi, and Xiao Yu
