

Chinese Counterfeits Cost U.S. Companies Billions in Losses

By Jessie Chen, David Lee


1. counterfeit: n. [ˋkaʊntɚ͵fɪt] 赝品
2. plague: v. [pleg] 使苦恼
3. thanks to: ph. [θæŋks tu] 由于、幸亏
4. lax: adj. [læks] 松弛的
5. offender: v. [əˋfɛndɚ] 违反者
6. knock-off: n. [ˋnɑkˋɔf] 赝品
7. bottom line: ph. [ˋbɑtəm laɪn] 账本盈亏结算线、净利
8. legitimate: adj. [lɪˋdʒɪtəmɪt] 合法的
9. state: v. [stet] 声名
10. cost: v. [kɔst] 使丧失
11. ratchet up: ph. [ˋrætʃɪt ʌp] 慢慢增加
12. lead to: ph. [lid tu] 导致
13. attempt to: ph. [əˋtɛmpt tu] 试图
14. curb: v. [kɝb] 抑制

Cheap Chinese counterfeits continue to plague U.S. retailers this holiday season thanks to lax customs controls and low penalties for offenders.

The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development estimates the total value of fake brands doubled between 2001 and 2007 to 250 billion US dollars.

Experts like Richard Halverson from the U.S.-based National Intellectual Property Rights Coordination Center say the Internet has only made the problem worse.
像来自美国国家知识产权协调中心的专家Richard Halverson说:“网际网路只会使问题更严重”

[Richard Halverson, Nat’l Intellectual Property Rights Coordination Ctr.]:
“In the last ten years, really, what we’ve seen is that it has made it easier for the manufacturers overseas to direct market and sell their goods to the people in the United States, whereas ten, fifteen years ago, before the internet really took off, you would have had to go down to your local flea market, your local discount store, or the local area town, where you knew counterfeit goods are sold, and walk into a store and physically buy them.”
[Richard Halverson, Nat’l Intellectual Property Rights Coordination Ctr.]
[国家知识产权协调中心,Richard Halverson说]:

The draw is just how much consumers can save on high-end products.

A Louis Vuitton knock-off worth 1,600 US dollars can be found online for a tenth of the price.
一个值1,600美金的Louis Vuitton赝品,可在网路上以1/10的价格找到。

But big profits for Chinese counterfeiters mean lower bottom lines for legitimate producers in the U.S.

The International Anti-Counterfeiting Coalition states fake goods cost U.S. companies up to $250 billion US dollars every year.

Though the Chinese have ratcheted up anti-counterfeit programs, few companies are being caught and prosecuted.

[Zhang Zaiping, EU-China IPR SME Helpdesk]:
“The customs office has a customs control rate of about 3 percent. Thus a large part doesn’t get checked. This leads to many of the goods leaving this country and being shipped overseas. Also, the customs penalty isn’t very high. Therefore, it doesn’t severely affect the exporter’s production costs.”

China’s most recent attempt to curb counterfeiting was an anti-piracy campaign launched in October. Its focus is on software, games, literature and movies.

本专栏由前卫英语李德良老师主编 www.davidlee.url.tw


1. Intellectual Property Rights: 知识财产权
2. fake brands: 仿冒品牌
3. counterfeit goods: 仿冒品
4. fake goods: 赝品
5. anti-counterfeit programs: 反仿冒计划
6. anti-piracy campaign: 反盗版活动
7. flea market: 跳蚤市场
8. discount store: 折扣店
9. high-end products: 高档产品



这是一篇谈Made in China仿冒品的报导,仿冒品在英语新闻中有多种讲法:counterfeit goods, fake goods, forge merchandise. 因为“假的”英文可以说fake, false, forge, counterfeit,而商品的英文可以是goods, merchandise,所以就可以排列组合成多种讲法。

仿冒品是侵犯(to infringe)智慧财产权(Intellectual Property Right)的,所以知识先进国家都非常注重反盗版的打击行动(anti-piracy campaign)。字根Anti-是“反”的意思,piracy则是pirate海盗的词类变化。

Flea Market,跳蚤市场,又称为swat meet,交换市集,通常是交易不昂贵的、或是二手商品(Second hand goods),甚至可用“以物易物”(barter)的方式来交易。

再来谈谈Louis Vuitton这个词,如果你查字典,多半是查不到,因为这是私人公司的品牌名,读者可能还没想到,我们一般说贵妇喜欢名牌LV包包,这LV就是Louis Vuitton的缩写字啦!中文叫做“路易威登”。这是一家从1854年开始,总部在法国,至今已成为手工艺皮具精品的全球性品牌(global brand)公司。

The Internet has made the problem worse.

A Louis Vuitton knock-off worth 1,600 US dollars can be found online for a tenth of the price.
