

PRC Lawyers Condemn Torture of Gao Zhisheng

Daniel Chen, David Lee

PRC Lawyers Condemn Torture of Gao Zhisheng



1. attorney n. 律師

2. blockade n. 封鎖

3. plausible adj. 貌似有理的

4. coarsely adv. 粗糙地

5. disgrace adj. 不光彩的

6. hold accountable for ph. 對…負責任


A group of attorneys in mainland China are condemning Chinese authorities for kidnapping human rights attorney Gao Zhisheng. They say this case is an example of how critical the human rights situation is in China.




An article by attorney Gao Zhisheng called “dark night, black hood and the gang kidnapping" has found its way through China’s information blockade.



The article details torture that Gao endured for more than 50 days, after being secretly kidnapped by Chinese communist authorities in 2007.


Beijing attorney Jiang Tianyong believes such cases of torture and cruelty are plausible and coarsely and disgraced.


[Jiang Tianyong, Beijing Attorney]:

“This kind of behavior exists in China and if someone speaks up the authorities will definitely dare to do that. But these people who do that have not been held accountable, so then who’s to blame? I believe people know who they are."



Jiang calls it a disgrace.


[Jiang Tianyong, Beijing Attorney]:

“The way they tortured Gao is also used on many other people in China and that is why I say it’s a challenge to the whole human civilization and a disgrace to the Chinese people. I think the world should oppose this kind of torture and make their own effort to stop it."



Beijing attorney Li Xiongbing, on the other hand, is angered over Gao’s suffering.



7. atrocities n. 殘暴的行為

8. resolutely adv. 堅決地

9. intolerable adj. 無法容忍的

10. strive for v. 努力

11. obsolete adj. 淘汰的

12. plight n. 困境

[Li Xiongbin, Beijing Attorney]:

“I am unable to express with words my condemnation of such atrocities. I hope this matter will be investigated strictly and thoroughly. We must resolutely put an end to such atrocities from happening again."


「對這樣的暴行我無法用語言表達我的譴責之意。我希望這件事被詳實地調查。 我們絕對不要讓這樣的暴行再度發生。」

According to Gao’s article on September 21, 2007 Chinese authorities used the excuse of wanting to talk with him to kidnap him on the way to the office. After that they subjected him to various forms of torture for more than 50 days.


Dr. Teng Biao from Beijing’s University of Political Science says the criminal means of persecution used by authorities are inexcusable.


[Dr. Teng Biao, University of Political Science]:

“The authority’s use of criminal means to carry out torture and persecution on Gao is completely intolerable and totally unacceptable. His experience also shows the current human rights situation in China is in a terrible state. It is necessary to go through continuous efforts to strive for it and only have the possibility to improve."


「當局使用犯罪手段對高進行酷刑和迫害,是完全無法容忍和接受的。他的經歷足以反映出當前中國人權仍處於非常糟糕的情勢。必須透過不斷的努力去爭取, 只有如此方可改善。」

Deputy director of Beijing’s Yitong law firm, Li Subin, believes foreign governments are very concerned about Gao.


[Li Subin, Yitong Law Firm]:

“Certain judicial officers still dare to impose torture on such a person who many people are concerned about. He may be subject to torture or even worse and this is a very worrying situation."



Guangzhou human rights attorney Tang Jingling says this kind of torture system must be made obsolete.


[Tang Jingling, Rights Attorney]:

“Gao’s article is just like what he investigated on many similar disclosed cases. This is not to say that it will not also happen to certain people, but we shouldn’t think about that, because if you don’t remove the torture system, it is possible that anyone could fall victim.”



We will continue to follow Gao’s plight and will be sure to bring you the latest information about him as it becomes available.



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