英超第29輪:切爾西主場飲恨 坎特復出難挽敗局




上半時第6分鐘,阿斯頓維拉隊門將馬丁內斯(Emiliano Martínez)後場「玩火」,傳球被主隊前鋒穆德里克(Mykhailo Mudryk)搶斷,好在自己將功補過,化解了對方的射門。

LONDON, ENGLAND - APRIL 01: Mykhaylo Mudryk of Chelsea shoots during the Premier League match between Chelsea FC and Aston Villa at Stamford Bridge on April 01, 2023 in London, England. (Photo by Clive Rose/Getty Images)
第6分鐘,切爾西隊前鋒穆德里克前場搶斷後射門,被對方門將用身體擋出。(Clive Rose/Getty Images)

第17分鐘,阿斯頓維拉隊左路橫傳,中場球員麥金(John McGinn)在禁區中路推射,擊中門楣彈出,險些破門。

第18分鐘,阿斯頓維拉隊後場發動長傳進攻,對方後衛頭球解圍出現失誤,前鋒沃特金斯(Ollie Watkins)抓住機會挑射將球打進。客隊反客為主,以1比0暫時領先。

LONDON, ENGLAND - APRIL 01: Ollie Watkins of Aston Villa scores the team's first goal during the Premier League match between Chelsea FC and Aston Villa at Stamford Bridge on April 01, 2023 in London, England. (Photo by Marc Atkins/Getty Images)
第18分鐘,阿斯頓維拉隊後場發動長傳進攻,對方後衛頭球解圍出現失誤,前鋒沃特金斯抓住機會挑射將球打進。(Marc Atkins/Getty Images)

第21分鐘,切爾西隊從左路進攻,後衛庫庫雷亞(Marc Cucurella)傳給禁區內的前鋒菲利克斯(João Félix),後者低射近角被門將神勇撲出底線。

Aston Villa's Argentinian goalkeeper Emiliano Martinez jumps for the ball during the English Premier League football match between Chelsea and Aston Villa at Stamford Bridge in London on April 1, 2023. (Photo by JUSTIN TALLIS / AFP) / RESTRICTED TO EDITORIAL USE. No use with unauthorized audio, video, data, fixture lists, club/league logos or 'live' services. Online in-match use limited to 120 images. An additional 40 images may be used in extra time. No video emulation. Social media in-match use limited to 120 images. An additional 40 images may be used in extra time. No use in betting publications, games or single club/league/player publications. / (Photo by JUSTIN TALLIS/AFP via Getty Images)
第21分鐘,切爾西隊前鋒菲利克斯低射近角,被門將神勇撲出底線。(JUSTIN TALLIS/AFP via Getty Images)

第31分鐘,切爾西隊獲得絕佳機會,中場球員科瓦西奇(Mateo Kovacic)在左路肋部送出直塞妙傳,穆德里克單刀赴會,然而射門略顯軟弱無力,被門將馬丁內斯倒地將球沒收。

LONDON, ENGLAND - APRIL 01: Mykhaylo Mudryk of Chelsea shoots during the Premier League match between Chelsea FC and Aston Villa at Stamford Bridge on April 01, 2023 in London, England. (Photo by Clive Rose/Getty Images)
第31分鐘,切爾西隊中場球員科瓦西奇左路肋部送出直塞,穆德里克單刀赴會,然而射門略顯軟弱無力,被門將馬丁內斯倒地將球沒收。(Clive Rose/Getty Images)

第35分鐘,切爾西隊後場左路過頂長傳,前衛奇爾維爾(Ben Chilwell)在底線處小角度轟門,打在左側立柱上彈出,客隊逃過一劫。

Chelsea's English defender Ben Chilwell (rear C) shoots the ball but hits the post during the English Premier League football match between Chelsea and Aston Villa at Stamford Bridge in London on April 1, 2023. (Photo by JUSTIN TALLIS / AFP) / RESTRICTED TO EDITORIAL USE. No use with unauthorized audio, video, data, fixture lists, club/league logos or 'live' services. Online in-match use limited to 120 images. An additional 40 images may be used in extra time. No video emulation. Social media in-match use limited to 120 images. An additional 40 images may be used in extra time. No use in betting publications, games or single club/league/player publications. / (Photo by JUSTIN TALLIS/AFP via Getty Images)
第35分鐘,切爾西隊後場左路過頂長傳,前衛奇爾維爾在底線處小角度轟門,打在左側立柱上彈出。(JUSTIN TALLIS/AFP via Getty Images)

第43分鐘,切爾西隊右路傳中,中鋒哈弗茨(Kai Havertz)禁區中路低射右下角,再次被馬丁內斯神勇撲出。



第56分鐘,阿斯頓維拉隊左路開出角球,對方後衛解圍,中場球員拉姆齊(Jacob Ramsey)橫傳隊友麥金,後者在禁區弧頂處一記「世界波」,洞穿對手大門,幫助球隊鎖定勝局。

LONDON, ENGLAND - APRIL 01: John McGinn of Aston Villa scores the team's second goal during the Premier League match between Chelsea FC and Aston Villa at Stamford Bridge on April 01, 2023 in London, England. (Photo by Clive Rose/Getty Images)
第56分鐘,阿斯頓維拉隊左路開出角球,對方後衛解圍,中場球員麥金在禁區弧頂處一記「世界波」,打入球門右下角。(Clive Rose/Getty Images)

一分鐘後,切爾西隊主教練波特(Graham Potter)立刻走馬換將,派上重傷缺陣長達七個半月的法國球星坎特(N’Golo Kanté),力圖挽回敗局。

LONDON, ENGLAND - APRIL 01: Ngolo Kante of Chelsea on the ball during the Premier League match between Chelsea FC and Aston Villa at Stamford Bridge on April 01, 2023 in London, England. (Photo by Marc Atkins/Getty Images)
第57分鐘,切爾西隊主教練波特走馬換將,派上重傷缺陣長達七個半月的法國球星坎特,力圖挽回敗局。(Marc Atkins/Getty Images)


LONDON, ENGLAND - APRIL 01: Joao Felix of Chelsea is challenged by Tyrone Mings of Aston Villa during the Premier League match between Chelsea FC and Aston Villa at Stamford Bridge on April 01, 2023 in London, England. (Photo by Marc Atkins/Getty Images)
第61分鐘,切爾西隊兩位前鋒哈弗茨和菲利克斯在左路完成撞牆式配合,後者突入禁區小角度射門,被門將用腿擋出。儘管皮球彈到對方防守球員手臂上,但主裁判拒絕判罰點球。(Marc Atkins/Getty Images)

第65分鐘,切爾西隊右路直塞球撕破對手防線,替補登場的馬杜埃凱(Noni Madueke.)下底倒三角回傳,坎特禁區內的射門偏出遠門柱。

第90分鐘,切爾西隊邊鋒普利西奇(Christian Pulisic)在左側禁區邊緣大力轟門,被對方門將托出橫梁。

Aston Villa's Argentinian goalkeeper Emiliano Martinez saves a shot during the English Premier League football match between Chelsea and Aston Villa at Stamford Bridge in London on April 1, 2023. (Photo by JUSTIN TALLIS / AFP) / RESTRICTED TO EDITORIAL USE. No use with unauthorized audio, video, data, fixture lists, club/league logos or 'live' services. Online in-match use limited to 120 images. An additional 40 images may be used in extra time. No video emulation. Social media in-match use limited to 120 images. An additional 40 images may be used in extra time. No use in betting publications, games or single club/league/player publications. / (Photo by JUSTIN TALLIS/AFP via Getty Images)
第90分鐘,切爾西隊邊鋒普利西奇在左側禁區邊緣的射門,被對方門將托出橫梁。(JUSTIN TALLIS/AFP via Getty Images)






