


美國洛杉磯退黨服務中心的負責人Helen Lee:「主持人好!觀眾朋友們好!這個問題,其實是一個怎麼對待誓言的道德問題,我們做人要講究言而有信,更應該嚴肅對待誓言。我們當初加入中共黨團隊的時候,都舉著拳頭髮過毒誓,說要為這個組織貢獻自己的一生,並沒有說,到甚麼年齡就自動終止,所以,一定要公開聲明退出當初加入的組織,廢除所發的毒誓,才能真正與中共脫離關係。」







Helen:「這也是混淆了參與政治和脫離政治的概念,才會有的想法。其實很簡單,如果我們今天是加入一個政治團體、一個政黨,通過這個政治團體、政黨去表達甚麼政治訴求、達到甚麼政治目標,那我們是參與政治、搞政治。而退出中共,是在退出一個政黨,一個政治團體, 那是在脫離政治,怎麼反而成了搞政治呢?」


Special Report – Quitting the CCP Q&A

Over 180 million people have quit the CCP and its affiliated organizations.
However, some Chinese still have doubts about the movement.
We have collected several, Frequently Asked Questions about
quitting the CCP movement.
Ms. Helen, Director of the Los Angeles, Quitting the CCP Service Center,
will answer these questions for us.

Shi Jian: Hello, Helen. Some Chinese people said they had stopped
paying Party membership fees for some time.
Some people also said that they should have naturally quit the CCP
and its affiliations for their age and thus need not quit the CCP for a
second time. What do you think about this?

Helen Lee, Director of the Los Angeles Quitting the CCP Service Center:
Hello, Everyone. Honestly, these are very moral issues about how we
regard our vows. As a human, it is important to keep our word, so we have
to take our vows very seriously.
When we joined the CCP or its Youth League and Young Pioneers,
we raised a fist and swore that we would devoted our whole life to
those organizations.

We never said when those vows would naturally be nullified.

Therefore, publicly announcing quitting those organizations
is a must to nullify our vows, and thus to break up with the CCP.

Shi Jian: Some people also said that quitting the CCP is an
unpatriotic act. Would you please explain to us the relationships
between quitting the CCP and patriotism?

Helen: I think those people are still confused between the concepts
of China and the CCP. China is a country that consists of land, people,
language, culture, history and the government ruling the state.

On the other hand, the Chinese Communist Party is a political Party,
just like other mainland Chinese parties such as the China Democratic
National Construction Association and the China Democratic League.

The only difference is that the CCP is much bigger and has seized
ruling power. Even so, the CCP is not China.
Opposing the CCP is not the same as opposing China.

Just like what the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party said, that:
the CCP brought tyranny to China, destroyed traditional Chinese culture,
and deprived the Chinese of their moral standards and beliefs.

They caused tens of millions’ of deaths even in peacetime. The Party also
turned our extensive land and rich resources into a place with widespread
pollution and poison.

It turned a comity inspiring the world into a state where people struggle
with each other where no one even assists fallen aged.

The CCP is such a scourge against China and Chinese people. How can any
conscientious Chinese stand with it?
Quitting the Party and its affiliated organizations is thus a necessary
step to stay away from the evilness, and to protect our dignity as
descendants of the Yan and Huang Emperors.

That’s why we say, quitting the CCP voluntarily is not doing anything
unpatriotic. On the contrary, their efforts show that they love China.

Shi Jian:Some also think that Quitting the CCP is a political movement.
What do you think?

Helen: That statement results from confusion between participating in
and separating from politics.
The simple fact is if we join a political group or party, and then make
political appeals or seek political goals via the group or party, then
you can say that we are participating in politics.

On the other hand, Quitting the CCP is quitting a party, a political group.
This is a separation from politics, right? How can you call that
participation of politics?

Shi Jian: Thank you.
