【禁聞】世紀騙局關鍵人物 為何能讓陳光標帶出國?










一部揭露「天安門自焚」真相的影片《偽火》,讓大部分民眾了解到:數十個滅火器哪裏來? 所謂自焚組織者王進東全身燒焦,頭髮和裝汽油的塑料瓶卻完好無損,而且聲音鑑定前後不一致;燒傷女孩劉思影氣管切開了還能唱歌;重度燒傷患者居然嚴密包紮,違反醫學常識;另外,為甚麼拘禁外國記者,沒收現場的拍攝錄像等。

《追查迫害法輪功國際組織》發言人汪志遠還表示,這樣的突發事件, 新聞錄像不但全程拍攝,而且長鏡頭、短鏡頭、特寫鏡頭,都拍攝得很好、很穩定,顯然不是突發事件﹗

《追查迫害法輪功國際組織》發言人 汪志遠:「在《新華社》的報導錄像中的慢鏡頭,可以清楚的看到劉思影的母親劉春玲不是被燒死,而是當時被後側方,有一個穿軍大衣的人,用一個重物擊打後腦杓而倒地的。顯然是被他殺滅口的。」



採訪編輯/張天宇 後製/鍾元

CCP Pimp Chen Guangbiao – Publicity Stunt in NY

Chinese billionaire Chen Guangbiao’s publicity stunt to buy
New York Times was rebuffed.
At the press conference on January 7 in New York, along with
Chen Guangbiao were two women with disfigurement marks
on their faces.

The buying business, as it turned out, was just a hoax.

Chen Guangbiao introduced the two women, the mother
Chen Guo and the daughter Hao Huijun.
They had been severely burned during a 2001 self-immolation
protest, and now Chen was going to pay for them both to have
reconstructive surgery in New York.

Zhang Tianliang, Chinese affairs specialist: “Chen Guangbiao’s
visit was organized.
After all, he’s not known to people outside of China.
With the gimmick of buying New York Times,
western media had to pay close attention to him,
so that he could engage in such an activity."

People can not help wondering how Chen Guangbiao located
the pair who had been missing for years.

Zhang Tianliang: “The participants of the self-immolation series
definitely have plenty of inside scoops.
Their mobility is under strict monitoring by the Marxist
regime with the highest level of secrecy which probably
means many of them being killed by the regime.
Those who appear now could be just replacements – actors.
However, with the pair as the theme for the press conference,
Chen Guangbiao must have had the consent and cooperation
of the CCP’s highest officials."

Insiders revealed on January 24, 2005 in the Minghui.org:
“Chen Guo and her daughter are under house arrest in a welfare
home in the northern suburb of Kaifeng City.
A retired police named Zhan Jingui is in charge.
Under the 24 hour watch by guards, the pair are
not allowed to contact anyone else “

So how could Chen Guangbiao bring the pair to surgery
from their isolated and guarded life?

Zhang Erping, Falun Gong Practitioners spokesperson:
“Immediately after the Tiananmen self-immolation,
western reporters had contacted us regarding the CCP’s
refusal to allow interview requests with the persons
who conducted the self-immolation,
but allowed interviews with CCTV, People’s Daily
and Xinhua News Agency."

However, when the so-called Tiananmen self-immolation was
aired on January 23, 2001, numerous flaws were identified
questions were raised, and the whole incident was
identified as a blatant set up.
The purported Tiananmen self-immolation has since been
known as a CCP staged self-immolation con job.

The “False Fire" is a film that exposes the facts behind the
alleged Tiananmen self-immolation:

Where did dozens of fire extinguishers suddenly appear from?

The so-called self-immolation organizer Wang Jindong looked
charred but his hair and the plastic bottle of gasoline were intact.
His voice after the self-immolation was identified to be
inconsistent to a person who had been on fire;
the little girl, Liu Siying, could sing after her trachea was cut open;
the burn patient was wrapped in thick layers of gauze bandages
which is obviously against medial practice;
also, why were foreign reporters arrested and their equipment

International Organization to Investigate the Persecution of
Falun Gong spokesman Wang Zhiyuan points out the well and
sound shot and recording of the entire self-immolation suggests
the incident was not accidental.

Wang Zhiyuan, International Organization to Investigate the
Persecution of Falun Gong spokesman:
“In the film released by Xinhua News Agency, the slow motion
revealed Liu Siying’s mother Liu Chunling was not killed by
burning, but smacked to death by someone in a military coat
from behind. It is a murder."

So why, years later would the Marxist regime once again
bring up the self-immolation in the United States?

China affairs specialist Zhang Tianliang believes that it was
Jiang Zemin’s tactic to continue persecuting Falun Gong.
A leader is needed to mobilize national sources to continue
the persecution.
After the fall of Bo Xilai, Zhou Yongkang, and Li Dongsheng,
the 610 offices are crippled.
Jiang is paranoid and he needs to abduct the current leader
Xi Jinping into the persecution campaign.
This overseas episode is to demonstrate to the outside
world that the current regime, led by Xi and Li, will
concoct any falsehood to continue the persecution of
Falun Gong.
Therefore, the absurd scene was a set up for the press

Interview & Edit/ZhangTianyu Post-Production/ZhongYuan
