【禁聞】中央欲斷國企高薪 高管威脅辭職

















採訪編輯/秦雪 後製/陳建銘

CCP Face Boycott over Threats to Slash Salaries of SOE Executives

The Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC)
have been threatened with boycott if they lower the salaries of
the Senior Executives of State-Owned Enterprises. – SOE’s.

More than 30 State-Owned Enterprises (SOE) oppose the measure
and more than 170 executives threaten to resign.
Private entrepreneurs pointed out that SOE Senior Executives
are not only Government Officials but also managers with high pay
and no risk.

It’s a good thing if they are willing to resign.
They can go to the open job market to find out what their
real value is.

Hong Kong – The January 2014 edition of Trends magazine
the Third Plenary Session announcement that: “SOE reform"
would start with lowering the high salaries of executives.
Less than two weeks after the reform was announced, it
encountered resistance and challenges.
More than 30 SOE party committees said:
“uniformity should not be imposed": “consider international
standards":"shouldn’t interfere with market economy principles",
and so on.
More than 170 executives asked to resign and claimed to
go work for foreign companies, joint venture company or
private company.

Continental Zhonghengjuxin Investment Fund Management
Ltd.Co, Chairman Wang Ying said that it is a good thing to shake up
the existing interest pattern no matter what the CPC’s intention is.

Continental Zhonghengjuxin Investment Fund Management
Ltd.Co, Chairman Wang Ying, the CPC is the big boss of State
owned companies.

Now the CPC has offered such a salary to let them decide whether
they want to work or not.
CCP has lowed everything including salary, and political status to
see if they are willing to work.
They may work there if they like; or leave otherwise.

The CCP’s “decision" in the Third Plenary Session of the 18th
Central Committee announced:
that State-Owned Enterprises should reasonably increase
the marketization of hiring ratios and strictly regulate
managers pay levels and job benefits.

A specialist from the State-Owned Assets Supervision and
Administration Commission of the State Council said that:
On the one hand, the status of State-Owned executives was silimar
to that of an Officer appointed by the Executive, rather
than market-based hiring; on the other hand they are enjoying free
market salaries and benefits.
The professional treatment involved in both official and industrial
positions will make people feel that it is unreasonable and unfair.

Former “Yahoo China" corporate General Manager Xie Wen
said that the approach involved in both official
and business style is unfair.

Former “Yahoo China" corporate General Manager Xie Wen:
“In official style, you may assign a position by Administrative
decision without going to the open market; In marketing style,
you shouldn’t have an appointment imposed from the upper level
or protection."

Additionally, State-Owned Enterprises have low level marketing
and they are unable to justify the massive high pay using
marketing criteria.

Wang Ying said “taking two styles" is the primary reason for
the loss incurred by state-owned enterprises possessing all the

Lower payment may force SOE executives into the job market
and see their real value.

Wang Ying: “The SOE executives may leave for the job market
with lower payment than in SOE …… to find another way.
It may test the real value these SOE executives have in the job
We may see if anyone wants to hire them.

According to mainland media center statistics, there were 42
central enterprise executives that got high salaries in cases where
their corporate balance sheets were in deficit in 2012.

“COSCO Group" vice president Xu Minjie still has a salary of
4.9 million while the company has a massive 10 billion in losses.

Wang Ying pointed out that state owned executive’s salaries are
the same as the free market but there are no risks involved.
Such an extremely unfair situation must be dismantled.

Wang Ying: “why do these people desperately crowd over
First, their salary is the same as the open market without any
of the risks.
If they are willing to be an officer, they may be officers as long as
they understand the responsibilities
If an officer wants to make more money, he may go to
state-owned enterprises and earn a higher salary.

“Trends" disclosed that SOE executives have such amazingly
high salaries.
For example in 2012, the highest income of Vice-Ministerial SOE
Executives was 4.68 million yuan; while 1877 people have more
than 30 million yuan.($4.9 million).

Xie Wen: “there is no problem if you are following real business
principles and protocols.
The problem is that there is no clear distinction between
Government and commercial enterprises and unclear responsibilities.
They still get overpaid even if the company is losing.

And this is certainly not right because you cannot get away
with that in a private company.

Continent “Economic Information Daily" quoted authoritative
research department sources as saying that the CPC SASAC is
considering increasing the hiring proportion of state-owned
enterprise executives from the open market.
Information said that more executives of State-Owned
Enterprises will be hired from the open market; but some special
industries such as PetroChina, Sinopec’s chairman need to
be appointed by Government.

Interview & Edit/QinXue Post-Production/ChenJianming
