【禁聞】律師團: 讓《公約》儘快在中國生效




早在1998年10月5號,中共已簽署《公民權利和政治權利國際公約》, 但須要全國人大批准後才能生效,時至今日,15年已過去,《公約》仍未經過全國人大批准。











截至1月1號下午2點,已有一百多名中國律師參加聯署,目前, 簽名仍在進行中。

採訪編輯/李韻 後製/舒燦

Lawyers urge Chinese regime to put
International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights into effect

Concerned with the continued deterioration of China’s human
rights, Lawyers Group to Protect Human Rights (LGPHR)
in China urged the National People’s Congress (NPC)

to ratify and implement the International Covenant on Civil
and Political Rights (ICCPR) before New Year’s Day 2014.

LGPHR was founded in Sept. 2013 by lawyers
Tang Jietan, Jiang Tianyong and Wang Cheng.
LGPHR appeals to the NPC because many citizens
were arrested, prosecuted and sentenced in 2013
due to their participation in maintaining civil rights.

The human rights status is continuously worsening in China.

Thus LGPHR reaffirmed the importance of the ICCPR
and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR).
They also urged NPC to ratify the ICCPR as soon as possible.

On Oct. 5, 1998, China signed the UDHR.

However, only after the NPC ratifies the UDHR
can it take effect.
15 years has gone by but the UDHR
has still not yet been approved.

Lawyer Tang Jitian says that in 2013 incidents repeatedly
took place, such as the arrests of people who continuously
requested the disclosure of officials’ assets;

Their defense lawyers were beaten in court;
Netizens who criticized the regime were sentenced,
and their human rights were impinged.

Tang: “Their human rights were violated.
For us it is a very serious human rights violation issue.
We realize that the human rights issue is still the most
highlighted, pressing and crucial problem in the past,
present and future."

Many cases took place in 2013 where
lawyers were suppressed and beaten.
In mid-October, when Tang Jitian worked on a case in Jixi,
Heilongjiang Province, he was detained for five days
and accused of “disturbing public order".

On Dec. 27, Hubei lawyer Zhang Keke went to Fumin Police
Station in Fushun, Liaoning Province to work on a case,
where he was beaten by five to six police.

Beijing lawyer Cheng Hai, 61, who worked on a satellite dish
installation case in Dalian, was beaten three times by police.
Lawyer Liang Xiaojun who accompanied him was also
assaulted, lawyer Hang Zhiguang was forcibly searched.
The other lawyers were also assaulted and threatened.

In 2013, dozens of citizens in different cities who held
placards requesting officials to disclose their assets
were detained on allegations of “illegal assembly" and
suspicion of “gathering a crowd to disturb social order".
In mid-August, the regime launched a campaign
to crack down on “online rumors".
In several days, thousands
of online activists were arrested.

Lawyer Wang Chen: “This year large-scale arrests of citizens
who requested the disclosure of officials’ assets
repeatedly occurred.
In addition, cracking down on the so-called ‘online rumors’
is actually to suppress freedom of expression.
It is necessary for us to be concerned with these major
problems in the new year, and to publicize our urgent call."

LGPHR states that to review 2013, activists such as
Xu Zhiyong and Guo Feixiong in Beijing, Guangzhou
and other places were detained, prosecuted and sentenced
due to exercising their rights of freedom of expression,
freedom of belief, freedom of assembly
and freedom of publication.

Lawyer Jiang Tianyong points out that these suppressions
flagrantly violate basic human rights and sabotage the law.
It is completely against the spirit
of the UN’s UDHR and ICCPR.

Jiang: “We hope, in 2014, Chinese people, the human rights
defenders, consider authorities’ approval of ICCPR
an important issue.
We hope our calling can draw the attention of Chinese people
and the international community."

LGPHR urges: “Under the circumstances that the civil and
political rights are suppressed and the law is distorted,
we strongly urge NPC to approve and implement ICCPR
quickly, and put the content of the ICCPR into effect."

By 2:00 p.m. on Jan. 1, over 100 Chinese lawyers
have signed their names in support of the campaign.
The signatory event is ongoing.

Interview & Edit/LiYun Post-Production/ShuCan
