







大陸權利運動組織發起人 胡軍:「本身這個政府就不合法,非法政府,現在整個國家都面臨著轉型,社會的各種矛盾也都凸顯,所以他們對整個局勢感到恐慌害怕,所以幹這種偷雞摸狗的事情總是躲躲藏藏的。改來改去,它們都是相互之間的分贓,而且繼續想把權力更加集中,更加去壟斷。」









採訪編輯/李韻 後製/陳建銘

Chinese Netizen: The 3rd Plenum is Like A Gangster’s Meeting

While the Third Plenary Session goes on behind closed doors,
outside, streets are heavily guarded
and the internet is tightly censored.

DynaWeb, an overseas web-based anti-censorship portal,
recently launched a website called “Weibo Leak",
which can restore Weibo users’ deleted posts.

Among them, many internet users condemned the Chinese
Communist Party, which engages in it’s underground party
gathering, the Third Plenum, like a thief in the night.

In the Third Plenary Session, Beijing streets are on tight guard,
and the four major microblogs such as Sina and Tencent and
many internet forums are experiencing blockage and
massive deletion of posts.

However, U.S. based Dynamic Internet Technology Inc.
recently launched a “Weibo Leak" service to restore
deleted messages, in which many netizens criticized the CCP.

One says: “After so many years of being the ruling party,
[the CCP] still behaves like an underground party!"

Another netizen wrote: “The Third Plenum has played the
biggest joke on the media.
Every website has a specialized section for the meeting,
but as it turns out, it’s a closed door meeting.
Only their communique will be given at the end
and that’s just a bunch of repetitive nonsense."

Shi Jingdi, commentator: “Dictatorships only make decisions
behind closed doors. Nothing will be open.
Their meeting is simply an exchange of interests and powers.

They won’t follow any rules, not even their own laws that say
they must have an internal voting process.
They will not reveal any of their shameful procedures."

What political reform is the Third Plenum going to entail?

According to the deleted posts, people express their hope for
the meeting to lead to things such as the property declarations
of the party and the officials, abolishing the expenditures
on official receptions, vehicles and overseas trips,
termination of all special food supplies for the elite and
the unfair pension and medical systems,
opening up the media and releasing all democratic dissidents,
allowing election of a new People’s Congress deputy,
and discontinuing the usage of tax dollars by the CCP.

Hu Jun, Human Rights Campaign in China organizer,
describes the CCP’s Third Plenum as a meeting of gangsters
sharing their stolen goods.
It is too shameful to go public.

Hu Jun, Human Rights Campaign in China organizer:
“This government itself is not legitimate.
This illegal government apparently is panic, confronted with
the transforming country and intense social conflicts.
They are hiding their shameful acts of redistributing
their looted wealth while strengthening their
centralization and monopoly."

Over 60 years of ruling, the CCP has fomented the ire of
the people since its beginning and been amidst constant peril.
Prior to the Third Plenum, a series of incidents arose in China,
from the Tiananmen Square car crash, to the bombings in Shanxi,
explosions in Jiangsu and Anhui on the 9th, the opening day,
and a Uighur peddler hacked an Anhui security guard to death.

In order to maintain tight security during the Third Plenum,
Beijing authorities canceled all police vacation leaves.
Tiananmen Square and the Third Plenum’s meeting location,
Jingxi Hotel, are heavily guarded with armed police,
plainclothes patrols, and anti-riot vehicles.

All streets are blocked, prohibiting any vehicles
and pedestrians from getting close to the hotel.

Areas around Beijing are also taking heavy security measures.
Hebei province has set up check points for vehicles entering
Beijing, and increased police patrols in every city and county.

Beijing has also deployed heavy and armed police patrols.

Meanwhile, local governments also take the offensive
maintenance of stability by arresting human rights activists
and petitioners, putting them on house arrest.

In particular, meetings of swearing to maintain stability
were held in Xinjiang and Tibet.

Shi Jingdi: “The main reason is that they fear the people.
The CCP has made 80 million Chinese die of unnatural causes.
The CCP has even conducted live organ harvesting
on Falun Gong practitioners for more than 10 years.
The regime owes so many bloody debts, so it is afraid."

Hu Jun says that the violence in the name of maintaining
stability is not going to work in this era of the internet,
and when people have desire for freedom and democracy
and anger over the ever expanding social disparity.

Hu Jun: “The Chinese have no way out. They can only express
their pain and their anger in the internet.
They speak the truth, and they speak out their pent up anger.
It is not something that the CCP can suppress."

Hu Jun says that even if the Third Plenary Session is not
a disbandment, it will serve as a stepping stone.
He says that the CCP’s collapse is only a matter of time.

Interview & Edit LeeYun/Post-production ChenJianmin
