【禁聞】直言批評當局 北大教授遭停聘

【新唐人2013年10月19日訊】直言批評當局 北大教授遭停聘







唐吉田被拘 多位律師緊急馳援





訪民紀念趙紫陽 呼籲為趙平反





Peking University Professor Xia Yeliang Sacked
After Criticizing The Chinese Regime

On Oct. 18, Xia Yeliang, a Professor of Economics at
Peking University, confirmed he was sacked.
Two months ago, Xia said that the university threatened to
dismiss him because he criticized the regime.

On Oct. 11, Professors Committee in Peking University
voted to decide whether to continue employing Xia.
30 out of 34 voted not to employ Xia. However, the
university didn’t inform him until Oct. 18.

Xia says he has passed his assessment last July
in Peking University.
According to the rule, it is unnecessary to go through the
employment procedure. There is no need to vote.
However, Peking University leaders said his circumstances
are special.
They had to make a decision and vote in the committee.

In July 2013, Xia revealed on Twitter that leaders in Peking
University claimed someone reported him saying he “insulted
the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and socialism system,
and defamed the China Dream".
So the “relevant department" was very concerned about him.

Xia Yeliang is a well-know Chinese outspoken
dissident intellectual.
He posted an “Open Letter to Propaganda Minister
Liu Yunshan" online.
Xia sharply criticized the CCP control on ideology,
publication and obtaining knowledge.
Zhang Xuezhong, Vice Professor at East China University of
Political Science and Law, says Peking University is political
in persecuting Xia.

Some netizens say Peking University was an established
base for the principle of advocating freedom of thought
and inclusivity, now that is dead.

Several Lawyers Try To Make An Emergency Rescue
Of Tang Jitan

Beijing activist lawyer Tang Jitian was detained two days
ago by Jixi 610 Office in Heilongjiang Province.
Tang was arrested for allegedly “disturbing office order".
Several lawyers went to the local place to rescue Tang.

Radio Free Asia cited lawyer Dong Qianyong
who arrived at Jixi last Friday.
Dong has submitted an application for the suspended
enforcement of detention.
He waited for other lawyers’ arrival, initiating administrative
review. Dong believes detaining Tang. is illegal procedure.

Tang Jitian is a well-know human rights lawyer in Mainland
China. His lawyers license was revoked several years ago
for defending Falun Gong cases.

On the afternoon of Oct. 16, Tang and his friend
Mr. Yang went to Jixi 610 Office.
Yang’s wife was illegally detained in a brainwashing center
for a long time.
They went there to negotiate but Tang was
detained by Jixi police.

Deutsche Welle reported that the brainwashing center uses the
sign “legal education center" and is part of the 610 Office.
This is more hidden, brutal and inhumane than labor camps.

They are scattered all over China, in each county,
city and province.
The international society hardly heard about them.

There are a great number of Falun Gong practitioners and
petitioners held inside brainwashing centers.

Petitioners Urge Redress For Zhao Ziyang

October 17 is the 94th birthday of Zhao Ziyang,
former Chinese Communist Party secretary.
The state-run media didn’t report on it. However, several
commemorative events were held by the local citizens.

Petitioners from Jinlin, Hubei and other provinces
went to Zhao’s former residence in Beijing.
Dozens of petitioners from Hebei, Shandong and Gansu
unfolded banners outside South Beijing Railway Station.
They urged redress for Zhao Ziyang.

Some petitioners say since the CCP new leader took office,
the suppression is intensifying, making them miss Zhao.
Zhao Ziyang is rememberd for being against cracking down
on civilians by force and guns.
