【禁聞】43萬港民「七一」大遊行 中共大封殺

【新唐人2013年07月03日訊】「七一大遊行是香港每年都舉行的最大型示威抗議,備受國際社會關注。今年的7月1 號,多達43萬港人無懼暴雨走上街頭,不少中國大陸冤民也奔赴香港加入其中,控訴中共暴政。不過,這一盛事,遭到中共的嚴厲封殺,大陸網民的聲援網帖被屏蔽,中共更是用金錢收買,來製造所謂的各界人士在「慶祝」香港回歸。













採訪編輯/李韻 後製/薛莉

The CCP Tightly Censors Hong Kongers’ “July 1” Parade

The “July 1” parade is held every year, and as the largest protest in Hong Kong, it gets much international attention. On July 1 this year, up to 430,000 Hong Kongers took to the streets despite the rain. Many mainland Chinese also went to Hong Kong to join the parade and denounce the Chinese Communist party’s (CCP) tyranny. However, the event has been strictly blocked by the CCP.

Online posts by mainland Chinese netizens showing support were blocked. The CCP also used money to bribe a number of persons, supposedly from “all walks of life,” to celebrate Hong Kong (HK)’s “reunification”.

Since 1997, the annual “July 1” protest march has become the most significant democratic activity for Hong Kongers. This year, illegal construction, “brainwashing education” policy and other such issues arising after HK’s Chief Executive Leung Chun-ying took office, have HK people’s blood boiling.

On July 1, tens of thousands of people still hit the rainy streets, even with weather reports of a level 3 typhoon warning, carrying signs saying “Hong Kong governmen must immediately implement universal suffrage”, “get out Leung Chun-ying”, “oppose CCP tyranny”, and others. Parade organizer, Civil Human Rights Front, announced that 430,000 Hong Kong people took to the streets. It is more than the total number of 400,000 last year, and there was no rain last year.

Mainland netizens, using software to break through China’s “Great Firewall”, posted the related content and images to China’s Weibo microblog, and other internet forums. Yet the content was comprehensively censored by the CCP; posts were deleted, and sensitive terms were blocked.

On the morning of July 2, reporters of NTD TV searched via China’s web forums and Weibo using variations of the Chinese words for related terms like “parade”, and “HK71”. All that came up was a statement saying: “According to relevant laws, regulations and policies, the search results have not been displayed.” Ma Xiaoming, former “Shaanxi TV” reporter: “The CCP blockades information and the truth by relying on their political power. They’ve been doing this for years; it’s nothing new.

If they didn’t block the information, that would really be news. Why do they want to block information? They fear people knowing the truth.”

On the evening of July 1, the CCP mouthpiece “CCTV” said that nearly one thousand Hong Kongers took to the streets to “celebrate” the 16th anniversary of reunification.

Ma Xiaoming: “The CCP used obscurantism through news by using several methods: One is concealing the facts; another is distorting the facts; and finally, they might selectively disclose a little bit of something. You see two parades are taking place in Hong Kong, one has around 1000 people, while the other has more than 400,000 people, or more than 100,000 people. Which one creates a larger impact? Which is more important?”

Ma Xiaoming says that the CCP has always been broadcasting the selective news in its favor, but, both Hong Kong and mainland Chinese are aware now. The CCP put out lots of money, but only got several hundred people as accomplices.

Han Liang a Chongqing citizen pointed out that the CCP media will sing carols to the annual parade in Hong Kong and make the false claim that: all walks of life “celebrate” the so-called handover.

Han Liang: “If people in the mainland know the real situation in Hong Kong, they will imitate the Hong Kongers. But the CCP won’t let the people know the truth.

People can’t see related news on the TV, and you can’t post or search related news either. It’s so despicable.

To put it bluntly, the CCP lies, cheats, and deceives for it’s own survival.” Before the “July 1”, many HK media reported that, for this year’s “July 1” celebration, the CCP designated 3 billion yuan ($488.7 million) to more than 120 HK restaurants which announced to celebrate the so-called “return of Hong Kong” publicly. Some of the money was transferred to the groups or parties which have connections to the CCP. These groups then sent the money to restaurants in various forms or allowance.

In addition, Shenzhen border conducted a thorough investigation on the mainland petitioners. The petitioners are banned from visiting HK.

However, in the “July 1” parade, many petitioners and victims of the CCP still displayed banners denouncing CCP tyranny.
