【禁聞】披著狼皮的羊 趙紫陽智囊政治笑話集













採訪編輯/秦雪 後製/葛雷

The Jokes of Yao Jianfu

Yao Jianfu, a Chinese scholar, former researcher at
the State Rural Development Center has recently published a book in Hong Kong: Political Jokes Album.
With the author’s ten-year experience in Chinese
Communist officialdom and political storms,
Yao wrote these jokes to mock the absurd and
pathetic Chinese Communist dictatorship.
Back at that time, the National Security personnel
ordered Yao Jianfu not to write these jokes.
Today, this Jokes Album is published in Hong Kong.
However, it is still listed as a banned book on the mainland.

Yao told the New Tang Dynasty television on June 12 that
the book was a New-Year’s gift to a friend ten years ago.
Later on, his friend, Gao Yu, a senior media person,
put it on the Internet, titled, “Yao Jianfu Political Jokes".
But less than a year after these jokes were published,
the mainland security department warned him not to write any more jokes.

Yao Jianfu: “The security department in China officially
directed our secretary of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)
to warn me not to write jokes on the Internet.
He said my jokes were not regular ones.
Later on we reached an agreement,
that since it has already been published online,
it does not need to be deleted.
If so, there would not be any freedom even to write jokes
online in China, such a ban would not be good."

Yao wrote jokes because when experiencing
CCP’s political persecution,
in the most painful days, some of the ridiculous
things were so outlandish they made him laugh.

Yao Jianfu: “My first time in the Cultural Revolution
was a thousand people criticizing me in a meeting, I was very nervous.
It was my first time in such a setting.
Later, I remember one person’s criticism of me.
An engineer named Huang criticized me in the meeting.

He stared at me, and said a popular saying at that time-
a wolf dressed in skins of a sheep.
He was nervous, so he pointed at me and said,
Yao Jianfu! Sheep dressed in skins of a wolf!
I became a sheep dressed in skins of a wolf.
As a result, he was criticized in the afternoon."

In his book, there is another joke that said,
in the Cultural Revolution, when writing slogans,
“Long Live the Invincible Thoughts of Mao Zedong “.

Twelve words, and two people wrote from both ends,

then a word missed in the middle, and it became
“Mao Zedong Wants an invincible Long Life!"

Yao Jianfu said, ten years ago, there was a formal document

sent from the Central Propaganda Department to Hunan
Provincial Party Committee Propaganda Department.
It is a warning on taking doggerels as being seriously
detrimental to the image of leaders.
Seven things are not to be talked about,
and even doggerels can not be recited,
not even jokes, it is both ridiculous and pathetic.

Yao Jianfu: “National Security Department told me,
a little guy, not to write jokes.
I guess other authoritarian countries
do not allow any jokes.
My Jokes Album is published in Hong Kong, and it cannot
even pass through the customs, isn’t it another joke?
They think they are wise, however,
they keep producing such sad jokes."

A former writer of the Czech Republic and
the Soviet Union commented,
“When a dynasty is about to perish, people have
always used jokes to express their mind. They are easy to spread, and also lethal."
Yao Jianfu said, the rulers do not allow people to
use language or artistic forms to express their mind,
nor permit political commentaries or official history.

People have to use jingle or jokes to mock and ridicule rulers.

Before the collapse of the Soviet Union,
and the Communist Parties in Eastern Europe,
a variety of scripts and political jokes
were widely spread .

A Sociology professor Zhou Xiaozheng in
Chinese People’s University said:
“The Central Party School" had once set up a special project
to collect jokes from officials from all over, in order to gauge public opinion.

Yao Jianfu said that the Chinese authorities know what people
think of them, consequently they know the CCP is dying.
So they strengthen controls,
enforce maintenance of authority,
and name seven things forbidden to discuss,
and five things not to engage in.

Yao Jianfu said, the people cannot make comments,
so they start telling jokes.
If they cannot even tell jokes, or jingles,
isn’t the pressure cooker close to a tipping point?
