【禁聞】美發明家拒中共6千萬利益 中國人喝采


據總部設在美國的英文《大紀元時報》報導,硅谷發明家傑佛瑞‧範‧密朵博克(Jeffrey Van Middlebrook)經過再三思考,決定放棄和中共的合作。密朵博克說,中共正在殺害人民獲取器官牟利,用他們的錢就是拿沾血的錢,他不能拿這種錢。













3月28號,有「世界移植之都」之稱的美國匹茲堡,舉行「器官移植在中國被濫用」的專題研討會。移植界權威克里斯託弗.休格斯(Christopher Hughes)表示,全球移植界都應關注活摘器官問題,並對中共施壓。

採訪編輯/劉惠 後製/李若琳

Chinese Cheer a US Inventor’s Refusal of the CCP’s Offer

A U.S. inventor from Silicon Valley has developed a patent

which can turn exhaust gas during coal burning into
industrial raw materials.
The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) made an offer for
his cooperation, including 60 million US dollars in funding,
university laboratories, scientists and an engineering team,
but he refused.
What caused this inventor to refuse this huge temptation
when his invention could be made into economic benefits
for the society, bringing him both fame and fortune?
Let’s take a look.

The English department of Epoch Times says
Silicon Valley inventor Jeffrey Van Middlebrook
chose to give up cooperation with the CCP
after thinking it over thoroughly.
Middlebrook says the CCP kills people for their organs and
sells them, so he wouldn’t take their blood-stained money.

Chinese Internet writer Jing Chu: “This inventor truly
has a good conscience and I applaud him.
The CCP would like to have an influence in the area of science,
and doesn’t mind using taxpayers’ hard-earned money,
which is dirty and bloody, to do it with.
This scientist refused it.
This kind of refusal in the history of human science
is an act of integrity."

In 2006, Middlebrook invented a gas separation technology,
which can capture carbon dioxide, hydrogen sulfide,
sulfur dioxide and other gases through multi-stage separation,
and convert them into liquid.
These liquids can then be used as industrial raw materials.

When the U.S. government and private enterprises
were unwilling to pay for sponsorship of this project,
Middlebrook met with the CCP.
He met twice with CCP delegates and their team of scientists.

In early 2013, the CCP authorities offered 60 million dollars
funding, university laboratories, scientists and engineers to
apply his invention to China’s industrial projects.
In May 2012, all negotiations went smoothly,
and Middlebrook would make his trip in September.
But when he learned that the CCP is harvesting Falun Gong
practitioners’ organs for profit, he refused further cooperation with the CCP.

Mr. Zhu, citizen of China’s Anhui province:
“This inventor acted with justice.
The CCP’s money is money taken from the Chinese people,
it’s from harvesting living Falun Gong practitioners’ organs.
If the CCP got his invention, it wouldn’t serve the people,
but the CCP itself, which has nothing to do with the people.”

Middlebrook also struggled, and he told The Epoch Times that
as an inventor, $60 million in funding was very tempting,
but the heinous evil happening in China made him uneasy.

Zhang Jian, a US based expert on China issues:
“We see the indomitable spirit and respect for
the universal values of humankind.
As a scientist, if he accepted the huge profits from the CCP,
he may gain both fame and fortune, but he refused money
stained with the blood of the Chinese people,
and he didn’t sell out his conscience.
Such a person is very rare."

Zhang Jian also said that experts and governments who
work with the Chinese regime,
are doubly harming the Chinese people, and
are it’s accomplices in persecuting China’s people.

Zhang Jian: “For such a scientist, on the one hand, he gave up
such a channel to fame and fortune; on the other hand,
he cut ties to the CCP in this way.
He is actually benefiting the Chinese people in a greater way."

Middlebrook said that even if his invention and technology
can’t be achieved, he can look at himself in the mirror and say,
“I didn’t take blood money from a government
that is murdering its people.”

Chinese historian Li Yuanhua: “Whether one ignores
the CCP’s harvesting organs from living people or not,
this is a matter of judging what is right or wrong,
of choosing justice or chasing power;
giving up one’s conscience for a small immediate benefit.”

On March 7, 2013, Time Magazine in Germany
prominently reported
the CCP’s organ harvesting from living Falun Gong
practitioners and selling them to western patients for profit.
On March 21, the Australian Federal Senate unanimously
supported the motion of the United Nations
and the European Council against live organ harvesting.

On March 28, a seminar on “organ transplant abuse in China”
was held in Pittsburgh, the world capital of transplantation.
Transplant guru Christopher Hughes said that

the global community should be concerned about the issue
of live organ harvesting, and put pressure on the CCP.
