





《走出「馬三家」》受訪者 劉華:「有個叫王金鳳的法輪功學員,她整個牙齒都被他們打掉了,因為2010年,她進去以後,不簽認罪、認錯那個考核書,就被他們大隊長叫高燃(音譯)把牙齒整個…一口牙齒全掉了。還有一個叫孫彥君(音譯),2011年的11月,她就被關小號,關了6個月放出去的,人抬出去已經奄奄一息了。」



原北京光大集團的處級幹部 張連英:「他們就拿來手銬子,拿拳頭,男警察往我臉上打,他們找來食堂炒菜的大杓子,就往我嘴上砍,砍得嘴上全是血,然後他們又把我放到死人床上,就是渾身捆起來,兩個手往上捆著,腳往下分開、岔開那麼捆,渾身用繩子勒住,然後他們蒿著我的頭髮。」







採訪編輯/常春 後製/薛莉

Netizens Condemn CCTV as the “Devil’s Channel” —

Mainland media have recently disclosed instances of torture
taking place at China’s Liaoning Masanjia Labor Camp.
It shocks people from all walks of life.

Some netizens commented that CCTV is the devil’s channel,
and dug out the program ‘Oriental Horizon’—made by CCTV in 2001.
It was with an interview of Qiu Ping, a manager
at Masanjia Labor Camp.
Masanjia Labor Camp manager Qiu Ping said in an
interview that most prisoners enjoy a colorful life in the labor camp.
She also said she treats Falun Gong practitioners
as her children.

However, many mainland media recently reproduced
a further report called ‘Walk out of Masanjia’.
Zhu Guiqin, one of the victims with personal experience of
life in the labor camp interviewed by NTDTV.
Zhu Guiqin said that she was locked in small cells,
tied to the “death bed”, and subjected to electric shocks and hangings, among other torture methods.
[Zhu Guiqin, Masanjia Labor Camp Victim]:
“Anything can happen—they put five toothbrushes together
with the bristles facing different directions and put them
into one Falun Gong practitioner’s vagina, rotating them.
Any kind of cruel torture can take place
within the Masanjia Labor Camp.
That practitioner who was tortured was not even married;
she was a young girl.
Another victim was an elderly lady, Mrs. Jin,
whose front teeth were pulled on with pliers
by the head of Masanjia Labor Camp—surnamed Liu—
Mrs. Jin is also a Falun Gong practitioner.”

On April 6, mainland Chinese media published the article
‘Walk out of Masanjia’, reporting torture cases of inmates
at the Masanjia Labor Camp, including the “tiger bench”,
“death bed” and electric shocking.
These tortures have rarely been reported before;
the 20,000-word article became a hot topic on the Internet.
Many celebrities have condemned the CCP’s hellish evilness
and netizens have also began to condemn them.
However, the article only uncovers one shady corner;
completely avoiding the pain that many Falun Gong practitioners endure at the Masanjia Labor Camp.

[Liu Hua, Interviewee, Walk out of Masanjia]:
“There is one Falun Gong practitioner named Wang Jinfeng
and her teeth were totally destroyed at Masanjia—
she was sent there in 2010.
Captain Gao Ran destroyed her teeth when she refused
to sign a self-criticizing letter.
There is another Falun Gong practitioner
named Sun Yanjun.
She was put into a small cell in November 2011.

She stayed there for 6 months and almost died,
at which point some people carried her out of the cell.”
Liu Hua says the Masanjia Camp treated them as slaves,
forcing them to make shirts for export to South Korea.
From Korea they were then exported to Italy
with ducks stuffed down the cloth jackets.
They had to make one piece of clothing every 3 minutes on
an assembly line—over 200,000 pieces of clothing per year.
Zhang Lianying, a major leader at one division of Beijing’s
Everbright Group, also suffered numerous cases of torture
during her 30-month stretch at Masanjia—she had been
secretly abducted from Beijing in 2008 and sent there.

[Zhang Lianying, Masanjia Labor Camp Victim]:
“Male police beat my face using their handcuffs and fists
and beat my mouth with cooking spoons from the canteen
until my mouth was full of blood.
Then they tied me to the death bed;
tying up my whole body and then pulled my hair.”
Zhu Rikun, an independent filmmaker in Beijing says
‘Walk out of Masanjia’ exposed some true facts.

[Zhu Rikun, Beijing Filmmaker]:
“There are so many of these kinds of cases;
although I haven’t personally seen it inside the labor camp,
I’ve met many who appealed to the central authorities.
They all stated the same situation—so there is no doubt
that these cases are true.”
Why does China’s CCTV media dare to deceive the world
by creating such fake news for the public?
Zhu Rikun says CCTV basically turns black into white
in its news reports.

[Zhu Rikun, Beijing Filmmaker]:
“It’s not surprising; although it’s a so-called media,
CCTV is the Chinese Communist Party’s mouthpiece
and keep turning black into white to serve the CCP elite.
Now we are trying to find ways to change things—
once people start awakening, things can change.”
Netizens are saying, “CCTV has slapped its own face”
and “when CCTV targets someone, there will be problems.”
