












採訪編輯/秦雪 後製/蕭宇

Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Plans to Release Unified
Real Estate Registration System

On March 10th, Chinese Communist Party (CCP) State Council
Member and State Council Secretary-General Ma Kai said
for prevention and punishment of corruption,
China will establish a real estate unified registration system.
This will have unified credit codes based on
citizen ID and organizations.
Many experts and scholars believe this move
might be good against corruption.
However it is not a fundamental anti-corruption measure.

Ma Kai brought up this plan while explaining the “State Council
Institutional Reform & Transformation Program."
Some netizens think this means personal real estate properties
will be put on the internet.

Zhao Shilin, Professor of Philosophy and Religious Studies
at Minzu University of China gave his views:
He thinks such measures help make information transparent
and good for anti-corruption.
However, Professor Zhao says the fundamental measure
is to ensure or political operation transparency and limit powers through political system reform.

Zhao Shilin: “Judicial administrative rights and approval rights
are all related with real estate information.
This measure is very important.

However, the real estate problem depends on finance of land.
The government should not treat land as the source of revenue.
This is the most fundamental reason for China’s real estate
bubble, high prices, and the whole real estate corruption.
If the government solves the issue using privatization of land
and letting farmers have the land, the corruption or the real estate bubble will be really solved.”

Beijing University Law School Professor Zhang Qianfan
thinks this is a step towards the establishment of China’s
social credit system, useful in the fight against corruption.

Zhang Qianfan: “Currently there is some kind of registration
of bank accounts and real estate properties for corrupt officials.
However many are not registered.

Therefore there are technical difficulties in investigating them.
So this initiative should be useful in the fight against corruption.”

Professor of political science at Remin University of China
Zhang Ming said this is learned from the US.
It improves the citizens’ information, can have real effects
on anti-corruption, and can possibly help the abolition of the household registration system.
However, Zhang Ming said this practice should be accompanied
by political democratization, to stop it being a means of control.

Zhang Ming: “At the moment it is still a good practice.

But I am worried that it will …without political democratization,
cause damage to citizens’ freedoms by controlling people’s data.
But now I mainly agree with this practice, because they may
contribute to the reform of the household registration system, as well as tracking officials’ properties.”

However, Zhao Shilin also said that in the CCP system,
those in power can find ways to escape from any policy.

Zhao Shilin: “The decree might not be smoothly implemented.

There are many ways local governments act, such as holding
back information, or some other spiteful ways.
This has the effect of to evading, diluting or distorting the
practice which diminishes its effectiveness."

Zhao Shilin explained that the most fundamental reason for
implementation failure lies in its political system.
With power always beyond the law and regulations,
what is the purpose of making laws and regulations?
He said due to power being above the law,
the law is therefore restricted and distorted.

Leader of Chinese Supreme People’s Procuratorate
Cao Jianming speaking on Sunday,
said in the past five years, prosecutors have filed over
60,000 cases of embezzlement and bribery,
involving 210,000 people with over 30 provincial
and ministerial level officials.
But this may be just the tip of the iceberg, and a much larger
scale of corruption is still lurking below the surface.
