
【新唐人2013年02月20日訊】山西省大同市連續多天出現萬民聚集街頭,聯名請願,挽留即將調離的大同市長耿彥波。寒風中,隨處可見民眾舉牌、拉橫幅的身影,甚至在耿彥波離任當天,數百民眾集體下跪再次懇請他留下。這些照片很快在網絡流傳,網民驚嘆「兩大奇蹟」:一是中共居然有官被「萬民愛戴」;二是萬人遊行居然沒有警察身影。為甚麼出現這個情況呢? 請看本臺記者的報導。











採訪/田淨 編輯/張天宇 後製/鍾元

Who Responsible For Mayor’s Unfinished Project?

More than 10,000 people in Datong City in Shanxi went on
the street to plea for mayor Geng Yanbuo to stay.
In the chilly weather, people were everywhere with
placards and banners in their hands.
Residents even kneeled down to plea for Geng’s stay.

Photos of the scene immediately circulated online,
Netizens said these are “two miracles”:
One is the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) official who
was loved by tens of thousands of citizens.
Another surprise is that no police came to stop the event.
Why does the situation appear to be like this? Let’s take a look.

From Feb. 8th to 12th, Datong residents held two events of
signature collection, trying to stop mayor Geng Yanbo’s leaving.
Meanwhile, Datong city became public focus.

However, news spread that the so-called citizens “plea for
mayor staying event” was manipulated by local government.

Wang Jian, a Tatong citizen: “All are government’s
propagandas. The city council designed it all.”

Geng Yanbo took the office in 2008, since then,
he implemented a series plan:
To demolish all the old buildings, re-creating a new city of
“Ancient Datong”. It will cost 60 billion yuan in six years.
It aroused enormous controversy.

Because of the large-scale of demolition, local people called
Geng “Geng Caicai” (Cai means demolition) or “creating city mayor”.
Yet “re-creating city” project hasn’t completed, Geng received
an order transferring him to be a vice mayor in Taiyuan city.

Xing Tianxing, Current Affairs Commentator: “The nature of
CCP’s system is that, cadres are in charge wherever they go.
Once they are hot-headed, they will use their rights to
make a new policy.
In fact, when Geng began the project, it involved massive
investment and loans, including various aspects of design and
coordination, and all contracts etc. If he left,
can the project be carried on? It is hard to say.”

Local people said that they want to stop Geng leaving,
wasn’t as media reported that they love and appreciate Geng’s achievement.
The real reason is that they worried after Geng leaving,
the billion yuan debt will be on local people’s shoulders.
In addition, they are worried that compensation of demolition,
resettlement and project payment will be infinitely delayed.

Wang Jian: “Even I don’t want him to go. Why?
There is more than 20 billion yuan debt.
People are clear about it. In addition, such a huge project,
is still not completed.
I was assigned a poor quality house, the balance money
they owed me will never be seen.”

Sun Wenguang, a retired Professor from Shandong University:
“Some officials didn’t have long-term plan, they just want to
be famous in a short time. But who will pay back the load to
the banks? These are the problems.”

Media in Mainland China reported, Geng Yanbo’s successor
Li Junming issued a notice to defuse residents’ worries of Geng leaving.
The notice said “All the on-going projects
will speed up the process.
All people whose houses had been demolished
will re-arrange accommodation.
All the government project will assign the funds
according to the process of the project.
Some media understood that the new mayor’s promises proved
during Geng’s term these problems already existed.

Xing Tianxing: “Mayor staying or not is directly connected
with citizens’ interests.
If he walks away, citizens’ interest can’t be implemented.

For the next mayor, he can find excuses that
what former mayor did, I can’t.
At least, there is a gap, most time nothing connects,
no one takes responsibility.
Thus, once citizens heard the mayor will leave, they will find
a way to pressure the government to make a promise.”

Sun Wenguang served as a director of the China
Economic Association.
He believes Datong’s project was the product of pursuing
political achievement. The investment was huge and risky.
It is possible they will lose everything. Sun said that only
citizens will lose, this point is realized by the citizens.
Thus they tried to make their “parent” official stay.

As they don’t want to pay for the government,
meanwhile, losing their homes and land.
