【禁聞】朱瑞峰斥渝警抹黑 自述人生歷程
















採訪編輯/李韻 後製/王明宇

Zhu Ruifeng Refutes Chongqing Police Authorities Libel

Zhu Ruifeng exposed sex videos of senior officials in
Chongqing, leading to the removal of 11 promiscuous officers.
The founder of Jdwsy.com (Civil Watchdog Website) has
drawn sustained attention from the public.
Recently, an article on the internet accused him of
gaining wealth through extortion.
Zhu Ruifeng said that it was defamation from
Chongqing Police Authority.
He said that he has long been under surveillance of
the national security police.
So he would have been arrested
if he had been a real criminal.

In early February, an anonymous article titled “True face of
‘Anti-fighter’ Zhu Ruifeng” was published in the micro-blog.
The widely reproduced article alleged that Zhu is “a phony
who cheated with a marriage to get his Beijing residence permit.”
Zhu was also accused of accumulating wealth by using
blackmail on the internet.

On February 5, Zhu Ruifeng told NTD that the anonymous
article is a libel by the Chongqing police authorities.

Zhu Ruifeng (Founder of Jdwsy.com):"In the past 60 days
of investigation, the Chongqing police failed to fault me.
Later, they came to Beijing to intimidate me,
which drew much attention from the media and netizens.
As a result, they had to withdraw. With that, they wrote this
article tarring me and hired people to spread it on the internet."

The article alleged that Zhu Ruifeng, in order to get a
residence permit in Beijing, divorced his wife from Henan.
Soon after, Zhu married his second wife who works at
a military hospital.
It said that after having gotten a Beijing residence permit,
Zhu recently divorced his second wife.
Zhu was said to own a 160-square-meter luxury house plus
a private parking space, costing 56,000 yuan per square meter.

The article also claimed that Zhu has no source of
legitimate income.
And that Zhu’s huge house payments came from hush money
extorted through the operation of Jdwsy.com website.
The article even vowed to search for proof of Zhu’s
involvement in extortion as a fake reporter.

Zhu says that his divorce from his first wife
took place over a dozen years previously.
His second marriage still continues. The corrupt official
that he exposed threatened to punish his wife.

Zhu has revealed the history of his business career.
His father was a trader in non-ferrous metals.
When he graduated from high school, Zhu gave up college,
wanting to do business like his father.

Zhu Ruifeng: “My father funded me so I started a clothing
retail business, and made some money.
Later we wholesaled shoes and profited,
so we bought our own car and vans.
Around 1998, I set up a hotel with money earned through
15 years of hard work."

Zhu Ruifeng later found that in doing business he had
had to sacrifice his dignity.
Around 2001, his hotel was forcibly demolished by
local authorities.
Zhu brought up a lawsuit, but came up
against judicial corruption.
The year when a new Marriage Law was introduced,
Zhu went into marital investigation work.
Afterwards, he bought a duplex house in Zhengzhou.

Zhu Ruifeng: “I came to Beijing in 2002.

In 2003, I worked as a reporter for Fang Yuan magazine,
which is sponsored by the Supreme Procuratorate.
In June 2006, I created the Civil Watchdog Website.
When Beijing held the 2008 Olympic Games, many petitioners lived in our home, a rented house.
At the time, Beijing landlords were fined for leasing houses
to petitioners who came to Beijing. So the landlord tried hard to drive us away.”

Having no choice, Zhu Ruifeng sold his house in Zhengzhou,
and then borrowed some money.
With this money, he bought a house in Beijing,
at a discounted price of 18,000 yuan per square meter.

The article accused Zhu of accepting hush money
from Zhengzhou Technical Supervision Department.
Zhu says that it was copied from an article published
in the Private Economy Daily in 2008.
A Beijing court sentenced the newspaper for infringement
and compensated Zhu with 20,000 yuan for the damage done to his reputation.

Zhu Ruifeng: “If my goal is to get rich, I can do it just doing
some business, with my wisdom and my connections.
I don’t need to risk being kidnapped or assassinated by
corrupt officials, or investigation by the national security police.
But they told me, the probe result shows that I am patriotic,
and they gave me 2,000 yuan to buy servers.
That is, I am supported in my fight against corrupt officials.”

Founded in 2006, the Civil Watchdog Website has toppled
over 100 corrupt officials.
Now the website watches 38 department-level officials.

Zhu said that he is a key target under the surveillance of
the National Security Department.
If he was a real criminal, he’d have been arrested long ago
by the Beijing Police Department.
