【禁聞】記者奉命「臥底」 成中紀委反腐先鋒













採訪/李韻 編輯/黃億美 後製/郭敬

Reporters Act As Spies For Central Government

After the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) 18th Congress
leadership transition, financial expert Wang Qishan took a seat on the Standing Committee.
He was appointed as secretary of the Central Commission
for Discipline Inspection (CCDI).
Sources said that Wang will strike hard to catch the head
of financial corruption and that Wang is very familiar with princelings’ illegal fundraising.
Financial media in Mainland China, including Caijing
magazine, recently not only joined the anti corruption campaign, but is also taking on the role of spying for the CCDI.
Sources said that several Caijing senior reporters are using
their investigation experience to work as anti-corruption experts.

Wang Qishan was a son-in-law of former
Vice Premier Yao Yilin.
Wang participated in the reform since Zhao Ziyang’s era,
and was very clear about the economic situation in China.
He was given an important position by Xi Jinping, thus
officials called him Xi’s “street cleaner.”

Previously, overseas Twitter revealed that Wang’s anti-
corruption target is in the financial area of private fundraising.
Both Liu Lefei, son of Standing Committee member
Liu Yunshan, and Li Tong, daughter of former Standing
Committee member Li Changchun, will be the first target
in private fundraising.
Li Tong and Liu Lefei used fundraising to make a fortune.

Recently, overseas media revealed again that after
Chinese New Year, this anti-corruption event will begin,
with high ranking officials in the Finance industry
being targeted first. The list has been drawn up.

Duowei News website reported that some media outlets
have received orders to be spy for CCDI, to investigate the finance industry’s dark scene.
CCP media Xinhua News Agency’s reporters in each city
began to carry out the order to help CCDI.

The report cited Beijing insiders that financial media,
led by Caijing magazine, not only participated as pioneers, but also took on the role of “spy” for CCDI.

Hua Po, Beijing Current Affairs observer: “Xinhua
and People’s Daily always act as spies.
During Cultural Revolution, their role was the central
If Mao Zedong wanted to do something, he used Xinhua
reporters to find some people without local party commission awareness.
Thus, China’s official media reporters played role of spy,
like Dong Chang and Xi Chang in ancient China, who monitored all civilians’ actions and words.
The CCP said to implement an anti-corruption event,
surely, (it) will use the media.”

Beijing’s Economic Observer reported that, in 2011, illegal
fund outflow reached US$600 billion; in 2012, it’s estimated to have exceeded US$1000 billion.
In 2013, fund outflow will reach US$1500 billion.

At end of last year, China’s media revealed that, since
Nov. 2012, Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou’s 2nd hand housing turnover increased.
The report said that this year in Mainland China,
the sale of luxury properties is increasing.
Property ownership changing hands is common place,
and increased hundreds of times.
Some of the house owners are governmental officials
or high-level management in state owned companies.
The report cited CCDI which says that 60% of owners
of the houses for sale are anonymous, used fake names or registered under company names.
All these owners requested to pay with cash
or are hiding their real names.
Among 45 cities, Guangdong Province and Shanghai
are ranked at the top for properties for sale owned by officials.

Zhao Yan, former news manager of China Reform magazine,
believes that the first step towards anti-corruption is to give media freedom.
To participate in an investigation is the right of a reporter
monitoring the news. It shouldn’t be controlled by any party.

Zhao Yan: “If the CCP allows newspapers to exist, allows
other party’s newspaper exist that aren’t controlled by central
propaganda department or the Press and Publication Bureau,
you won’t need to spy on anyone. Media all play their roles.
Citizens with problems, complains and some suspicions
will tell the media directly. Reporters will investigate.”

A National People’s Congress official told Economic
Observers that, in mid December last year, CCDI and
Central Organization Department has met with 120 officials
to tell their family members to stop selling properties
and to remove their fake names and bank accounts.

Zhao Yan said, anti-corruption is a huge project, and
if it only relies on CCDI or their reporters, it’s far less enough.
The entire nation’s system must change, and must have
restriction of power.
