













採訪/李韻 編輯/黃億美 後製/郭敬

Secret Chinese Report: CCP Cannot Escape it’s Fate

Just before the New Year, Xi Jinping, the Chinese Communist
Party’s new leader organized a collective learning in the Politburo.
At this meeting he arranged the tasks of building a clean
government and anti-corruption measures in 2013.
However Pei Minxin, a political analyst published
a commentary on Jan. 3 in his “Chinese Secret Report.”
In this report he said the CCP is like the Titanic
which can’t escape it’s fate, which is to sink.
His opinion is there’s no dictatorship in history that
didn’t fall down . The CCP can’t be an exception.

Many of you should be very familiar with this film “Titanic”.
When the passenger liner was sinking, all the passengers
were scared and desperate. It’s very impressive.

Recently the Mirror Network translated and edited
an article of the “ Chinese Secret Report titled “The Big Ship CCP Can’t Escape it’s Fate of Sinking”.
In the artcle, it said that CCP’s 18th Congress is
a well-planned event.
CCP leaders had tried to transfer power
during serious political turmoil.
Political Analyst Pei Minxin described the 18th Congress as
the last banquet on the Titanic.
It even it looks brilliant, but it can’t escape it’s
fated sinking .
The CCP’s control is close to the end.

The article said, if the CCP’s political situation in 2012 was a
football game, then Bo Xilai was “the most valuable player”.
With this best actor absent, the outside world isn’t able to
see clearly the turbulence suffered this last year by the CCP.

Wang Beiji, a political commentator, “Now is 2013.
But actually, the CCP’s ending started from February 6, 2012.
Which was when Wang Lijun separated from Bo Xilai and
went to the U.S. consulate.
The awakening of the Chinese people
has been increased.
They can now use SMS, Micro-message, Micro-blog and
other internet platforms to share information.
They are different from the people of thirty or forty years ago,
when they were isolated and were completely brainwashed.

The article also pointed out that China is a very special country,
such as “hanging trickery", which means CCP calls itself “socialist”, but behaves as “capitalist”.

Liu Yinquan, chairman of the Central Committee of China’s
Social Democratic Party: “His views are reasonable.
because in a dictatorship, a leader’s changing
is a big issue.
It’s not voted by the people, it is generated by
a black-box operation.
The leader doesn’t have people’s support.
It’s hard for him to have it.
Under this kind of situation, the dictatorship can’t
last for a long time, which means that
if the CCP doesn’t change doesn’t completely
reform it can’t last much longer.”

The article also emphasized the theory of the power of
“self-destruction” destroying the dictatorship.
But some experts have doubted
That the CCP will collapse in one night?
How can the Chinese people handle it if
the CCP collapses?

Liu Yinquan said that looking at history’s examples,
civil society can maintain it’s normal operation during each dynasty’s changing, and will not have a mass of problems.

Liu Yinquan: “After the CCP falls down, China ‘s society
can’t lose control, can’t be in a chaos.
Because no matter who takes power, they will have
their solution for maintaining the society’s stability.
It will not be in a mess. If China has a two party system,
the two parties will mutually supervise.
China will get better and better.”

Zhao Yuanming, a China issue expert: “A nation or
a country’s strength doesn’t only depend upon an individual’s ruling.
You can see in the 5,000 years of Chinese culture,
there were so many dynasties that changed one by one.
So many emperors changed one by one.

The Chinese nation is still exists and history is still developing
no matter how many emperors or dynasties have changed.

Zhao Yuanming was a teacher of the Faculty of Law
at the Public Security University.
He said that China’s corrupt system had
created a group of corrupt officials.
A dictatorship without any form of supervision of it’s
own mechanism, China has a huge interest group.

The article also said that the capability of the CCP ‘s
leaders has become weaker and weaker.
When the time of rule is longer and longer , the regime
becomes more and more bureaucratic.
All of this helps to speed up
the process of self-destruction.
