【禁聞】大陸官媒壓制網絡 網民集體反攻

【新唐人2012年12月25日訊】大陸官媒壓制網絡 網民集體反攻

最近,大陸多家官方媒體大造輿論,釋放加強網絡監管信號,遭到許多民眾的強烈抗議。 12月23號,《中青報》又發表署名文章《別將“法治”誤讀為“管制”》,再次引起網友的強烈反彈,痛斥官媒:「不怕把法治當管制,就怕把管制當法治!」












《美國之音》報導, 12月24號,來自大陸各地的數以千計的訪民,從上午開始冒著30年不遇的嚴寒,在北京的國家信訪局、最高法院、最高檢察院等國家機關上訪伸冤,希望在2012年的最後幾天能登記上屬於今年的立案。




Netizens Against China”s Internet Control

Recently, several state media in mainland China constantly
published articles to encourage Internet control.
Many netizens are strongly opposed to this.

On Dec. 23rd, China Youth Daily newspaper published
an article saying “Don”t mix the rule of law with control”.
This again caused a furious response from netizens.

Netizens shouted out: “Not afraid of the rule of law,
but fear of using control as the law.”

China Youth Daily”s article was circulated on People”s Daily,
and Sina microblog. Immediately came a wave of condemnation.

People questioned: “To deliberately encrypt, deleting posts,
blocking user accounts and censoring words.
Is it rule of law or forcible control?

The law regulation said that any case involving Internet
disputes such as deleting posts and blocking user accounts,
then the court won”t accept the case. Is it the rule of law
or forcible control questioned the people.

Some people said, “People”s Daily is the
Chinese Communist Party (CCP) mouthpiece.
The Internet microblog is the peoples” mouthpiece.
The CCP mouthpiece can control the peoples” mouthpiece!”

The CCP reaction is to take revenge by deleting posts and
blocking user accounts.
Professor He Bing at China University of Political Science
and Law said “Posts that replied to your forum discussion were deleted, you won.”

Unfortunately, voices from netizens didn”t affect
the CCP”s decision to control the Internet.
The mainland China media reported that, on Dec 24th, the
Standing Committee 30th session will decide draft regulation on Internet protection.

Financial Times: Patriotic Education
Distorts China World View

On Dec. 24th, British Financial Times reported that
“Patriotic Education Distorts China World View”.

The article said that Tiananmen Square massacre in 1989 and
the fall of the Soviet Union made China”s leaders conclude
that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) needed to improve
its “thought work”.
So they launched a new “patriotic education”
campaign that continues to this today.

The article said the selective teaching of history emphasizes
brutality of foreign invaders and ignores atrocities or mistakes
by China”s leaders, which is intended to boost the CCP”s
legitimacy creating nationalism among young Chinese.

The article pointed out this campaign caused the disconnection
between how the world views China and how China sees itself.

Thousands of Petitioners Appealing in Beijing

Voice of America reported on the morning of Dec.24th,
in the severe cold weather, thousands of petitioners from all China came to Beijing.
They appealed to Beijing Hearing Complaints
and Grievances Bureau and Supreme Court.
They wanted to register their cases before the end of the year.

The report said petitioners had to register the case now or
seven days later it would belong to year 2013”s case load.
So, in the last few days of 2012, no matter how bad
the weather, they tried hard to register their cases.

Many petitioners shouted out “Homeless in harmonious
society, and “police are fraud, the court abuse law”
and “down with corruption, return my homeland.”
